Leg Cramps - How to Prevent Them?

It is a fact that leg cramps can cause excruciating pain when they suddenly strike person mostly while exercising. Leg cramps can also occur at night, causing a disruption in sleep. Medical research has still not revealed why certain people alone are susceptible to leg cramps. But the general findings are that those suffering from diabetes and blood circulatory disorders are more prone to develop leg cramps. It is also believed that persons leading sedate lives free from all physical activities as well as those who over-indulge in rigorous physical work-outs like jogging can fall an easy prey to cramps.
If you are not already aware, please know that cramps suddenly occur when certain muscles contract suddenly. The saving grace is most leg cramps do not last beyond a minute or two. Quite often, some minor changes in your water consumption, loss of excess weight loss or readjustments of daily work-outs can reduce the frequency of leg cramp occurrences.
Some suggestions to avoid developing leg cramps are:
1. Avoid wearing footwear with high heels
2. Make sure you do not put on excess weight and if you are already obese, take some quick steps to shed the excess kilos.
3. Avoid frequent consumption of diuretics or other medications
4. Stretch your calf muscles a couple of times, particularly before retiring to bed at nights and after any rigorous physical work-outs.
5. Always sleep on your sides or on your stomach with your feet hanging out at the end of the bed.
6. Make it a habit to consume plenty of water both before and during any physical exercise.
7. Sometimes leg cramps can happen due to potassium deficiency in your system. If that be so, you should consume potassium-rich foods after checking with your physician.
8. Avoid intensive workouts that overly strain the calf muscles and reorient your regular exercises in consultation with an expert.
9. Do some calf muscle exercises like flexing your foot, pointing your toes towards your knees. If you find that inconvenient, you might as well hold your toes and pull them toward your knee and thereafter massage your calf gently.
10. Wear good quality, tested athletic shoes that give you the necessary support when you are running, walking, jogging or doing other exercises. Make sure that your shoes do not put excess strain on any part of your legs, back or feet.
Once you are attacked with leg cramps, application of ice packs or heat bags can be an effective way to relax the muscles. Traditionally, quinine is considered the most effective drug for relieving leg cramps, but it is said that most of the over-the-counter medicines for leg cramps have been banned as they cause serious and even fatal, side effects.
Some doctors suggest drinking a glass of tonic water may be useful and if you think it works, you might as well keep some tonic water handy.
It will be a good idea to take a warm shower just before retiring to bed at nights as it will surely help relax your muscles. If your cramps cause unbearable pain and occurs far too frequently, then it is advisable to consult your physician regarding muscle relaxing medications.
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Leg Cramps - How to Prevent Them?