How to Cure a Sore Throat Instantly

A sore throat is one of those nagging maladies that most of us can't wait to get rid of as fast as possible. Thankfully, over the course of time, herbal practitioners have perfected a handful of tried-and-tested natural remedies that can bring immediate relief.
A sore throat is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as headaches, nasal congestion, lethargy, aches and pain in the body, and fever. It is mostly caused by microbial infections, although smoking, pollution, and bad eating and drinking habits may also lead to discomfort in the throat.
If you want to know how to cure a sore throat instantly, read on to learn about some of the most potent, effective remedies passed down from generation to generation. The remedies we suggest are effective in soothing discomfort in the throat because they make use of natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, healing properties.

Honey and Basil: Honey and basil have healing properties that can soothe pain in the throat. To prepare a simple and effective homemade remedy, grind five or six basil leaves and mix with two tablespoons of honey in a cup of warm water. Drink the mixture slowly, allowing the liquid to soothe the throat as it goes down. In addition to bringing instant relief, a honey-and-basil mixture is also a very effective preventive measure for throat infections and the common cold. Drink the mixture every morning for a healthy, pain-free throat.
Cinnamon and Black Pepper: This is another home remedy that makes use of the healing properties of natural ingredients. This one calls for black pepper and cinnamon, both of which are regarded as 'warm spices.' To prepare, boil two or three sticks of cinnamon in a cup of hot water, and add a couple of pinches of black pepper. Let the mixture cool just enough so you can drink the whole cup without burning your lips.
Ginger and Lemon: You can make a simple home remedy for sore throat with ginger and lemon. To prepare, boil three to four small pieces of ginger or ginger root in lemon juice. Drink the mixture a little at a time while still hot. Natural compounds in ginger and lemon have soothing effects on the throat, and can relieve the discomfort in swallowing. This remedy works fast because the natural compounds are very effective in soothing inflammations.
A sore throat is an inevitable ailment that afflicts all of us from time to time. So, what to do when you have a sore throat? There are numerous home remedies and natural treatments that make use of holistic ingredients to bring relief. The remedies we suggested in this article are natural treatments, and are not offered as expert medical advice. If your symptoms last for more than two days, you should visit a doctor.By