Peripheral Artery Disease Can Now Be Cured!
No matter what
you have heard or what you've been told, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
can be cured! Many Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) suffers who use a
new, simple, safe natural cure report that they began noticing
improvement within three to four days!
Here's what you need to know:
medical treatments cannot cure Peripheral Artery Disease. If you have
PAD you already know that the best you can hope for when using
conventional medical treatments is to slow the progression of the
disease (not cure it).
Stents, Bypass Surgery, Balloon
Angioplasty, Arterial Reaming, and Prescription Drugs do not address the
underlying cause of the disease. At best they can only provide
temporary relief. By not taking the initiative to seek out proven
alternative solutions that work, and allowing the progression of
Peripheral Artery Disease to continue or remain static, can lead to
serious problems such as: Heart Disease, Stroke, Blood Clots, Gangrene,
Amputation, and decreased blood flow to the brain.
In order to cure PAD, the following impediments must be addressed:
Hardening of the Arteries
within the scope of conventional medicine addresses this problem.
Allowing the condition to persist invites the formation of plaque
buildup and blockages that encourage the development of PAD.
Fortunately, nature has a natural solution to the problem.
mainstream medical community suggests using a combination of a
restricted diet and exercise to alleviate the problem. People who have
Peripheral Artery Disease, and have implemented this methodology soon
discover that they are ultimately still fighting a losing battle.
The Next Step in Conventional Treatment
a doctor will prescribe a Cholesterol lowering drug along with a drug
to control blood pressure and possibly even blood thinner to improve
circulation. All of these test-tube concoctions are unnatural to the
human body. They manipulate and disrupt normal body functions, and many
people suffer serious side effects from taking them. Worst of all, they
do not cure PAD because they only mask the underlying cause of the
disease and simply attempt to treat the symptoms. Only Nature offers a
real solution and cure!
Sludge and Plaque in the Arteries
Stents, Bypass Surgery, Balloon Angioplasty, Arterial Reaming
these procedures can only provide temporary relief. Since they do
nothing to stop the continuing formation of sludge and plaque, in a
matter of time the procedures may need to be repeated.
Why Your Doctor Has Not Told You About The Natural Cures
is likely that your doctor does not know or believe that Peripheral
Artery Disease can be cured naturally. In addition, because the current
conventional medical treatments for PAD are so closely tied to the drug
and medical industries multi billion dollar income streams, there is no
incentive to tell you that you can quickly cure your PAD problem
yourself in the privacy of your own home for only pennies a day!
Yes, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Can Be Cured!
Jerry Nokes