Diet, with lifestyle practices, is one of the main keys to
support your body to detox naturally. While your body is well equipped
to get rid of everyday toxins, there are several ways you can help to
ease this process. Here are a few things you can do:
1- Eat your vegetables: Vegetables
are the utmost importance to detox naturally. They contain plenty of
fiber, antioxidants vitamins and nutrients that support your body's
natural detoxification process. They also contribute to your water
intake. Eating enough fruits and vegetables is definitely one of the
most important factors for natural detoxification.
2- Drink water: Water
is a natural cleanser. Without it, your body has to work harder to get
rid of the toxins. It also plays a vital role into many bodily
functions. To know the amount of water you need, check this post: 7 tips
to drink more water
3- Breathe fully: Our breathing system
is at the base or life. Without breath, we can't live more than a few
minutes. So compared to the food we eat, how we breath can also have a
dramatic impact on our health and our well-being. Deep breathing helps
us detoxify by eliminating C02, increasing oxygen, promoting blood
circulation, helping digestion and supporting our immune system.
4- Sweat daily: Exercising
is essential for the detoxification process, to support digestive
health, and to promote general health. Exercise ensures that the
nutrients are transported to the cells, and that the toxins are
correctly eliminated. It also helps reduce stress, one of the major
enemies of digestive and overall health.
5- Don't sweat the small stuff: stress
can do serious damage to your health and sabotage your detox efforts.
Take the time to slow down, take care of yourself, exercise and eating
food to ease your mood. Your body will thank you for that!
6- Take a detox bath: Taking
a detox bath like an aromatic detox ginger bath can help sweat the
toxins out while allowing you to calm down and reduce stress.
7- Dry brushing: Our
skin is one of our main detox organs. It can get rid of up to 2 pounds
of toxins daily. Help your skin to do its task by dry brushing your skin
before going into the shower.
8- Try some detox herbs: Some
natural ingredients such as milk thistle, dandelion, rosemary or golden
rod can support and protect some of your main detox organs.
9- Alkalize your body: When
your pH is out of balance, your body can't perform its detox tasks as
efficiently. Try those 10 tips to alkalize your body to help restoring
your original pH balance.
10- Get some nutrients: Eating
foods from the top 10 foods to detoxify provides vital nutrients for
supporting your body's natural detoxification process.