How to Get Rid of Ringworms Fast

Ringworm is a fungal infection. It is contagious and appears on the skin with spots around the edges, red rings and scaling. It is easy to get ringworm, but how to get rid of ringworm is the hardest to do. It is difficult to get rid of ringworm because you will notice its presence when they are already about five days in your system.
Treatment will take from 2 weeks to 4 weeks. However, the worst part of it is that it is very itchy, a different kind of itch that you will make you detect immediately that you got ringworm from somewhere.
Ringworm is contagious especially if you have an open wound; if not, you may be spared even if you make contact with somebody who has it.
What is the cause of ringworm?
The cause of ringworm is infection, and the easiest way to get it is through skin contact with somebody who has it. Learning how to get rid of it is therefore the best way to do.
Steps of how to get rid of ringworm
  • Clean the area where you suspect ringworm is about to erupt, the extremely itchy part of your skin.
  • If there is hair in the area where the red spot appears, you may need to shed the hair around it.
  • Clean it with soap. Some people say that Selsun Blue, the shampoo for dandruff may be used to clean the ringworm well. It will help clean and reduce the spread of fungus.
  • Put Lamaism, it is an anti-fungal cream that will help clear the infection.
  • Put bandage over the ringworm with Lamisil. This is to avoid the cream from rubbing off.
If you follow this advice, you may be able to get rid of ringworm in about two weeks or less. It may also help to complement the Lamisil treatment with oral medication to ensure that you will be cleared of this itchy red ring on your skin. As mentioned, ringworm is contagious. It is therefore necessary that you avoid physical contact with somebody who has ringworm.How to get rid of ringworm starts and ends in taking care of your skin and keeping it free from irritants.