Essential Oils for Eczema

Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by extremely dry skin, inflammation and red clusters of bumps that can become scaly, thick and crusty. This is never fun to deal with and trying to get rid of it can be a constant battle. Although a natural treatment may take longer for healing, however there are some amazing essential oils for eczema that have a more lasting effect without the negative side effects of drug therapy.
Essential Oil Blends
One of the best ways to use aromatherapy oils for eczema is to make a blend. In order to do this, you should mix a carrier oil with several drops of healing essential oils. It is very important to dilute your blend, as essential oils are highly concentrated and could make your skin worse if applied directly to the skin. Ideal carrier oils include primrose, avocado, almond or jojoba oil; all of these are rich in omega fatty acids and other nutrients. For every two ounces of carrier oil, blend twenty-five drops of essential oil in with it. Make sure to store it correctly, in an airtight plastic or glass container, away from heat and light.
What Essential Oils Should I Use?
This is a good question to ask yourself when deciding which aromatherapy oils to use for your eczema. There are a variety of oils that can help; here is a list of a few and their specific properties:
Geranium Oil: Often used in skin treatments for its normalizing and balancing properties.
Lavender Oil: Has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, calming, and normalizing properties. It also supports immune health and is extremely beneficial for alleviating stress.
Sandalwood Oil: Works as an antiseptic and a skin moisturizer.
Tea Tree Oil: Protects the skin from infection, as an antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal oil. This does not blend as well with other oils because it has a distinct smell.
Clary Sage Oil: Is an anti-inflammatory and helps minimize stress and anxiety.
Most oils have a great deal of health benefits, and by using them you will do more for yourself than just treat eczema. They are all used for aromatherapy and can reduce stress and anxiety, a common trigger for eczema. Give these aromatherapy oils for eczema a try.
As a form of alternative medicine, aromatherapy is gaining momentum. It is used in a diverse range of applications for pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function. Aromatherapy is something anyone can start doing to provide increased health and wellness to themselves and their family. Grab a carrier oil and your favorite essential oils and get started!
Essential Oils for Eczema