How To Whiten Yellow Nails: Simple Home Remedies That Work!

Your nails may turn yellowish due to various causes, but two of the most common reasons why your nails will turn yellow is because of smoking, as well as the repeated, regular application of nail polish.
If you are one who is suffering from yellow nails, in this article you will find some all-natural home remedies you may want to try to help restore the color of your nails to their bright, beautiful whiteness.
1. Real Lemon Juice
Whitening yellow nails is just one more thing you can do with the juice of a lemon, in addition to making lemonade and using it in baking.
Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon into a small, shallow bowl. Alternatively, you can also use reconstituted lemon juice - just don't use bottled lemon juice that has added sugar or contains any artificial flavors, sweeteners, or chemicals.
 Yellow Nails
Spend a few minutes letting your nails soak in the bowl of lemon juice. Repeat whenever needed.
After soaking, wash your hands and then apply a moisturizing lotion.
2. Denture Tablets
Denture tablets are formulated to keep dentures white and bright. Now, do you know that they work great to help restore the "whiteness" of your nails as well?
All you need to do is to simply dissolve some denture tablets in water according to the directions on the package, and then soak your fingernails in the water for a few minutes.
Repeat this treatment every day and before you know it, you have the bright, white nails that you very much desire!
3. Light Buffing
Lightly buffing your fingernails can remove some discoloration from the nails. On top of that, it can also help to improve blood circulation in the area, which can help to promote healthy nail growth.
However, this process must be undertaken with care, because buffing your nails too often or incorrectly can make them weaker, and broken nails are far worse than discolored nails.
Here's what you should do: You need to make sure that you're using a high-quality buffing tool, and that you should only buff your nails in one singular direction.
4. Whitening Pencils
Did you know that there were pencils just for making the tips of your fingernails whiter? Look for them in your neighborhood pharmacy or discount store, near the other fingernail care products. They are easy to use, effective, and most importantly, they are inexpensive as well!
Simple Home Remedies forYellow Nails