How to Get Rid of Ticks

Everyone knows what ticks are. Small, soft-bodied bloodsuckers, ticks are most attracted to the warm, moist, dark places that we don't want them to go near. Once a tick latches on, they can be hard to shake. So, do you know how to get rid of ticks, the right way?
Because ticks can cause Lyme disease, it is important to know how to get rid of ticks without damaging the tick or your skin. If you do not remove all of the tick, bacteria may get into the skin, possibly leading to Lyme disease or other infections. Ticks burrow their heads under the surface of the skin, making them incredibly difficult to dislodge. Many people do not know the proper way of getting rid of ticks.
Contrary to belief, burning or using chemicals is not how to get rid of ticks. In fact, this could cause the tick's body to come apart and cause you much more serious problems. You want the body of the tick to remain intact during removal, because if the head or mouth of the tick stays attached to your skin it could lead to infection and other problems that you don't want.
So, the question is, how to get rid of ticks while keeping them in one piece. You want to use a pair of tweezers, or your fingers (in gloves) if you have a light touch. Gently pull the tick free, being sure to pull slowly to remove the entire head and body of the tick. Then, you can dispose of the tick however you see fit.
TicksOnce you know how to get rid of ticks properly, you won't have to worry about the possibilities of infections and Lyme disease. If you think for any reason that a part of the tick may still be under the surface of your skin, consult with a doctor. A physician can assist you with the proper treatments in cases of improper tick removal. Use a bug repellent when you go into wooded areas, and thoroughly check yourself for ticks after an adventure in forested regions. Now that you know how to get rid of ticks, there's no reason for ticks to be anywhere on your body.