Stop Smoking Start Repairing

IF you Smoke, please consider these amazing points ... and IF you quit Smoking, PLEASE feel VERY proud of yourself ❥➥❥ Start Repairing ... here's what happens

❥ in 8 hours, excess carbon monoxide is OUT of YOUR body
❥ in 5 days, most nicotine is OUT of your body
❥ in 1 week, your sense of taste and smell IMPROVES
❥ in 12 weeks, your lungs REGAIN the ability to clean themselves
❥ in 3 months, your lung function has increased 30%
❥ in 12 months, your risk of heart disease has HALVED
❥ in 5 years, your risk of stroke has DRAMATICALLY decreased

Did YOU quit smoking? How did YOU do it? Cold-turkey? (Your comment might help some other people☻)

»----(¯`v´¯)---» PLEASE "share" this info-graphic with EVERYONE that YOU care about … let’s help people feel EMPOWERED, as much as possible, with EVERY aspect pertaining to health … please share the love ♡
Stop Smoking Start  Repairing