Bulging Disc Treatments

A bulging disc is not a cause for panic as they are fairly common in both younger and older people. A bugling or protruding disc is usually see at high rates on MRIs in patients that suffer with back pain and are also found in patients that are not suffering from back pain. Aging process and the degeneration process of the intervertebral disc are the most common reasons why a disc will bulge. A disc may also bugle in relation to a back injury and sometimes in regards to what kind of a lifestyle is led by the patient. Like we said before a bulging disc is not necessarily a sign that anything serious is wrong with your spine, so there is no reason to panic.
When a bulging disc bulges enough to cause narrowing of the spinal canal it is considered to be a serious condition. If there are bone spurs present on the facet joints behind the bulging disc the combination of these spurs and the bulging of the disc may cause further narrowing of the spinal canal in that area.

The care of a patient with a lumbar bulging disc is far from standardized. To a certain extend the treatment of a patients bulging disc should be more individualized. The bulging disc can cause leg pain (when affecting the sciatic nerve). This can often be referred as a herniated disc, ruptured disc, pinched nerve or a slipped disc.

Treatment of a bulging disc will mainly be dependent on the length of time the patient has suffered with his or her symptoms and the severity of the related pain. Most treatments will start with six to twelve weeks of conservative treatment.
If this conservative treatment for the bulging disc does not help to alleviate the pain from the affected area(s) and there are no signs of improvement then a surgical treatment is considered. If the patient is in experiencing consistent severe pain and having difficulty maintaining a reasonable level of functionality, surgery may also be recommended prior to the completion of the six weeks of conservation treatment.
Most bulging discs will heal on their own without even the person afflicted knowing that there was anything wrong in the first place. There are no hard and fast guidelines for how long it will take and how to go about healing a bulging disc.

The primary goals of conservative treatment for a bulging disc are to provide the patient relief of the pain and to allow them to return to a normal level of functionality. A wide variety of treatment options are available and here is a list of some of the most common bulging disc treatments.

- Rest, followed by slow mobilization
- Pain medications
- Chiropractic/osteopathic manipulations
- Physical therapy
- Epidural steroid injections
The amount of time invested in conservative treatment needs to be addressed on an individual patient basis. Some patients will not have as sever of debilitating pain or symptoms as other. In the patients that are still able to lead a productive lifestyle with only minor aches and pains a longer conservative treatment would most likely be advised. Back surgery for bulging disc treatment should be prolonged as long as possible. For some patients the pain and loss of productivity is just too much to handle and after conservative treatments are explored for a shorter duration and there are no changes in the patient's symptoms, surgery to decompress the affected nerve is often the next option as a bulging disc treatment.

Patients that do not feel any recovery after six to twelve weeks of conservative care will often find themselves looking into the final bulging disc treatment option of surgery for their bulging disc.

Any patient who has progressive neurological deficits, or develops the sudden onset of bowel or bladder dysfunction, should have an immediate surgical evaluation as these conditions may represent a surgical emergency. Fortunately, both of these conditions are very rare, and most surgery for a lumbar herniated disk is an elective procedure.

Surgical treatment options for the lumbar herniated disk include:

- Percutaneous arthroscopic laser discectomy
- Microdiscectomy
- Lumbar laminectomy
- Arthroscopic lumbar discectomy
- Microendoscopic surgery

Best Hair Loss Remedies - Prevent Baldness Naturally

Hair loss, medically termed as alopecia areata is a commonly reported problem characterized by round patches. Causes for this may not be unique always. It varies from person to person. Increase in age, hormonal imbalance and heredity are some among the main causes leading way to baldness. At present, there are lots of hair loss remedies available in market. Out of hundreds of product, choosing the best one is not an easy task. Before picking any one among the products, it is advised to remember certain factors like hair style, product reviews and ingredients. Always, make sure that you choose one with zero harsh chemicals for attaining fine results with no adverse actions. Now, let's see in detail some of the best hair loss remedies used for curing baldness.

Intake of food items rich in vitamin C is one of the best remedies suggested by health practitioners. Broccoli, strawberries, citrus fruits and green peppers are some food items rich in vitamin C concentration. Presence of bioflavonoids in these food items helps in promoting antioxidant action and scalp blood circulation. Strengthening bones, boosting immune system, repairing damaged bones and skin are other key benefits of using vitamin C supplements. Zinc, mainly found in oysters, veal liver, toasted wheat germ and roasted pumpkin seeds is another hair loss remedy used for the treatment of baldness. Intake of zinc rich food items promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth and repairing of broken tissues. Presence of zinc in body helps in preserving oil secretion glands attached to hair follicles which in turn decrease the chance of baldness
Vitamin E, including tocopherols and tocotrienols is a best recommended hair loss remedy suggested by physicians. Intake of vitamin E rich food items increases the uptake of oxygen, improves blood circulation to scalp and promotes the growth of hair. Food items like corn, soybean, flaxseed and sesame oils are rich in vitamin E concentration level. Presence of essential fatty acids in hair loss remedies enhance texture and prevent dry brittle hair. Primrose oil, salmon oil and flaxseed oil are some main essential fatty acids added for the preparation of baldness supplements. Intake of vitamin B complex capsule is another recommended remedy for baldness troubles. Presence of key ingredients like niacin, folic acid and riboflavin in B complex capsule plays a key role in hair growth.

Biotin or vitamin H is one among the best remedies enhancing hair growth. Egg yolk, kidney, liver, milk and strawberries are some food items with high biotin level. Inclusion of biotin rich food sources in diet helps in growing new hair and strengthening the health of skin and nails. Intake of biotin rich baldness supplements strengthens hair follicles and helps in preventing baldness in future. Kelp, enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and vitamin B complex is another hair loss supplement nourishing hair follicles. It is a well known promoter of glandular health. L-arginine, green tea extract, grape seed extract, L-lysine, procyanidins, coenzyme Q10 and inositol are other best hair loss remedies recommended for growth of hair.

Natural Solutions For Bursitis

Bursitis sufferers are probably acquainted with traditional medical advice. Usually doctors recommend rest, and suggest guarding the affected body part from any kind of pressure or potential stress. Often Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), other pain medications, or cortisone injections are recommended. However, many other alternative therapies such as hydrotherapy, physical therapy, massage and reflexology have proved to be helpful in getting relief from bursitis pain.

Below is a brief overview of some of the natural treatments for bursitis:

Hydrotherapy: In hydrotherapy, warm and cold packs are applied on the affected body part. While ice reduces the swelling of the body part affected from bursitis, warm water and hot showers aid in achieving relief from the pain arising as a result of the swelling.

Applying hot and cold compresses alternatively boosts blood circulation in the affected body part. This will not only help in bringing more nutrients to the affected area, but removes wastes as well, thereby aiding the recovery process.

Homeopathy: Patients selecting homeopathic treatment for bursitis are advised to take belladonna, Rhus toxicodendron, and Bryonia to minimize pain and inflammation in the affected body part. Applying Arnica gel to the affected area also helps in providing instant relief from pain.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is also an effective way to relieve the pain of bursitis. This natural therapy addresses the underlying imbalance in energy, or qi, that made the person susceptible to bursitis in the first place. The acupuncturist notes the lifestyle of the individual, and often does a complete physical before the insertion of any needles. In acupunture, tiny needles are skillfully placed in specific locales on the body to restore or re-distribute energy, until balance is achieved.

Chiropractic: Another effective treatment for bursitis is chiropractic treatment. The treatment involves spinal maneuvering and manipulation to adjust the spine. It not only helps in building proper motion in various joints but also improves blood circulation and helps in getting relief from bursitis pain.

Massage: Massage therapy is a result-oriented solution to treat non-infective bursitis. In this treatment, massage of the affected area is done by using mild essential oils that help by decreasing inflammation and improving blood circulation to the joint. Light massage on the affected area helps in relaxing muscles and getting relief from the pain in bursitis affected area.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a method of bodywork that concentrates mainly on the feet. The main theory of reflexology is that there are "reflex points" on the feet and hands that correlate to specific organs, glands, and other parts of the body. Applying pressure to these reflex spots is thought to promote health in the matching organs by way of energetic pathways. Internal balance is the goal.
Apart from these therapies and treatments, there are a number of other remedies by which you can treat bursitis at home.

1. Cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar: Rub the affected body area with warm olive oil then boil 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Simmer the mixture for 15 minutes, let it cool until it will not burn, then dip a cloth in the liquid and apply to the affected body part.

2. Sea Water: Drinking sea water is also understood to cure chronic bursitis. Patients can buy the sea water from a local health food store. However, patients with high blood pressure must not take it.

3. Emu Oil: Emu oil contains high levels of linolenic acid which penetrates the skin and provides the relief from bursitis pain. Apply Emu oil on the bursitis affected muscles and joints. This is one of the best home remedies for bursitis.

4. Mullein tea: Soak a cloth in mullein tea and apply it on the bursitis affected area. Repeat this process at regular intervals. To prevent stiffness, apply lobelia oil to the affected joints. Chamomile, hops, and skullcap tea also help in healing process.

5. Milk: At night, before going to bed, consume 1 cup of hot milk with 2-3 teaspoons of Castor oil in it. This will help eliminate toxicity in the colon and will help improve bowel movements, which ultimately will cleanse the impurities of the colon. Individuals are recommended to continue taking this remedy until the symptoms disappear. If you can find raw milk in your local area, even better. Homogenized milk is basically 'dead' of nutritive value.

6. Water: If the bursitis is caused because of gout, water is the best therapy. Drink a lot of water to flush out the system and maintain a proper diet. Hydration is a tremendously important element of good health anyway. 

Lung Cancer Warning Signs: Early Detection Of Lung Cancer Can Save Your Life

Early detection of lung cancer warning signs - or any other types of illnesses - is crucial in helping to find a cure for the disease. Indeed, the earlier one is able to find out about the disease, the better chances they have for combating the illness.

Lung cancer warning signs are similar to recognizing the symptoms of the disease. Hence, having enough knowledge of other conditions associated with this illness would be helpful.

Below is a list of lung cancer warning signs you should be keeping a close eye on:

• Persistent Coughing
• Presence of blood or mucus when coughing
• Loss of appetite resulting to weight loss
• Feeling of shortness of breath
• Pneumonia, bronchitis, or other respiratory-related illness
• Constant pain in the chest, back, or neck
• Uncharacteristic fever

You need to pay close attention to any changes in your body though, since most of the symptoms are not evident until they have reached the advanced stage.

Once you have determined these symptoms, there are essential steps and further information you need to know.

Spread of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is caused by the presence of cancer cells. These abnormal cells continue to divide on their own without following a particular order or pattern. Because of this nature in the cells, they have the potential to destroy the neighboring tissues of the body.

In fact, they can also develop into a malignant tumor which can invade your bloodstream and cripple the lymphatic system. The process known as metastasizing is responsible for the spread of cancer cells such that the initial cancer tumor can cause the growth of new tumors in various parts of the body.

In terms of determining the rate at which these cancer cells spread, it largely depends on the type of cells. But on average, tumor growth can happen in a span of a few months. When To Consult A Doctor

As soon as you notice any of the symptoms listed above, it is best to meet with your doctor immediately.

This will allow them to make diagnosis or assess your condition. Furthermore, the earlier you act on any lung cancer warning signs or symptoms, the more capable you are at preventing it from getting worse.

Immediate consultation with your doctor will enable them to further investigate the reason for such symptoms to exclude other health conditions.

Below is a list of what is recognized as late-stage lung cancer symptoms. One needs to work together with their physician to avoid reaching this stage:

• Inexplainable feeling of fatigue
• Reduced appetite
• Aches in your joints,bones, or constant headaches
Bone fractures that are not brought about by injury
• Swelling on your face or neck
• Abnormalities in your neurologic conditions

Tests for Lung Cancer

Once you have seen with your doctor, the following tests are conducted to diagnose you:

1) Chest x-ray: This is mostly done for patients with complaints on excessive coughing and shortness of breath.
2) CAT Scan: This method of scanning in such areas as chest, head, abdomen, or pelvis helps assess the size of a tumor or evaluate how farther it has spread.

3) Bronchoscopy: In this method, your physician creates a direct visualization of your airways after numbing medications or sedations are administered.

4) PET Scan: This tool is used for assessing the tumor, which also utilize a chemical known as radionuclide. As soon as your first lung cancer warning signs become evident, it is best to undergo this test to help prevent the rapid growth of tumors. 

14 Effective Home Remedies for Cough

Read this article to know the best Home Remedies for Cough. First of all let me tell you what is Cough?

caused by the common cold, or flu, generally clear up after a small number of days. Cough can be a troublesome problem for the patient and the physician similar.

Cough is an important protection mechanism that plays a major role in sustaining the integrity of the airways and can be voluntary or involuntary. Cough is normally triggered by mechanical or chemical inspiration of receptors in the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. Cough receptors also survive in the nose, paranasal sinuses, external auditory ear canals, tympanic membranes, parietal pleura, esophagus, stomach, pericardium and diaphragm.

A cough is a symptom of many illnesses and conditions including: asthma, bronchitis, common cold, influenza (flu)smoking, and whooping cough. The cure of cough is useful only if directed at the cause, but patients should be offered indicative relief while awaiting the results of specific therapy.
Cough is the most ordinary respiratory symptom for which patients look for medical attention.

Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Cough:

Home Remedies for Cough

1) Mix equal parts of ginger juice and honey and have it 2-3 times in a day which is fine for cough

2) Cinnamon is a well recognized herb which is used in cooking, and as addition to tea, apple cider and more. Make a cup of tea and put some cinnamon to it to relief the cough. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for Cough.

3) To decrease the cough, boil oregano in water, filter and drink up.

4) Gargle sage leaves and elder blossom tea with a little almond oil, oil of clove, and honey to reduce the cough and soothe the throat.

5) One good Home Remedy for Cough is the root of the turmeric plant which is helpful in a dry cough. The root should be baked and crushed. This powder should be taken in three gram dosage two times daily, in the morning and evening.

6) Another effective Home Remedy for Cough is a sauce made from raisins. This sauce is made by crushing 100 gm of raisins with water. 100 gm of sugar should be mixed with it and allow the mixture to heat. When the mixture obtains a sauce-like constancy, it should be conserved. Twenty grams should be taken at bedtime every day.

7) Aniseed is another useful remedy for a hard dry cough with complex expectoration. It shatters up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be taken habitually for treating this state.

8) Put 2 cups of cherries in a pan and add just enough water to it. Add some lemon slices and 2 cups of honey. Boil the mixture until cherries are soft. Eradicate from heat. Take away the lemon slices and the cherry pits from the mixture. Store at a low temperature and take some tablespoons as needed for coughing.

9) A syrup of 1 teaspoon raw onion juice with 1 teaspoonful of honey kept over 3 to 4 hours serves as an excellent cough syrup. This is another superior Home Remedy for Cough.

10) Chewing betel leaf with 3-4 black Tulsi (Krishna Tulsi) leaves, a clove and a small quantity of menthol thrice a day provides relief from severe cough.

11) For dry coughs, start eating apples each day for 2-3 weeks until your cough is cured.

12) For severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoonful of this mixture taken once in every three hours will treat excessive cough.

13) A teaspoon of honey, a pinch of turmeric powder, chewing cardamom for a while, a stick of clove, all these have proven very beneficial in treating dry cough.

14) A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is recommended for cough relief.

Natural Help for Hiatal Hernia Sufferers

A hiatal hernia, also known as a diaphragmatic hernia, is a protrusion of the stomach at the opening of the diaphragm where food goes into the stomach.

Many hiatal hernias are small and people often don't know they have them. But when a hernia is more severe, it can cause problems like acid reflux, with acid backing up into the esophagus and heartburn becoming a regular part of life.

Most people don't need surgery for hiatal hernias, but some lifestyle changes will help alleiviate the symptoms without the use of drugs. In fact, it can be really simple to get rid of your symptoms of hiatal hernia without drugs, surgery, or even costly natural remedies.

If you don't believe it can be that easy to get rid of the pain you've been suffering, let me tell you a story about my dad. You name it--hiatal hernia, acid reflux, bile reflux--he's had them all. In his case, all this trouble was caused by a surgery in which a bile duct was mistakenly connected to his stomach instead of his intestine, making it really easy for bile to get into his esophagus.

He suffered so much for about a year that he was throwing up several times a day from all the acid and bile that was refluxing. He knew he couldn't live like that forever, and that all these health issues were putting him at increased risk for esophageal cancer down the road.

He didn't know what to do, and back then--this was 1976--they didn't have all the drugs that are available for treatment of such issues today (not that drugs help a hiatal hernia anyway).

One day he suddenly felt better and was able to sleep through the night. After a bit of detective work he figure d out that the answer to all his health problems came from the produce section of the grocery store. It's a specific kind of apple, and consuming just a little bit every day has kept him symptom free for years.

I tell you this story to give you hope. I know that it is possible to treat your hiatal hernia, heartburn, and whatever other issues you have, because I've seen it happen first hand.

You don't have to dramatically change your life (though some things like quitting smoking and eating smaller meals certainly help, too) to get the relief you want. It really is simple!

Jetlag Causes and Home Remedies

Jetlag, also known as desynchronosis, is a temporary disorder, resulting from air travel across time zones. The hypothalamus of the brain acts as an alarm clock, regulating and activating body functions like sleep, hunger, thirst etc according to the time schedule to which the body is habituated. The fibers of the optic nerve in the eye transmit the perceptions of light or darkness to the time keeping section of hypothalamus which then directs the body to act accordingly.

But if a person, who has traveled to a different time zone, visualizes dawn or dusk much earlier or later than usual, the hypothalamus triggers certain signs which show that the body has not been able to adjust yet to the changes in time, and thus jetlag occurs. Jetlag is more of a condition than a disease. Jetlag results in temporary fatigue, insomnia, irritability, lack of concentration, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, dehydration, fuzziness, discomfort in legs and feet, headache, mild fever, laziness, anxiety etc. Some of the factors triggering jetlag symptoms may be listed as follows:

1. Improper sleep before flight
2. Dehydrated body
3. Cold and flu attack preceding flight
4. Less humidity at higher altitude
5. Excessive intake of alcohol before or during flight
6. Sitting static on a plane chair for long hours.

Home Remedies for Jetlag

1. Drink plenty of water on a flight. Take a glassful after every hour. This is the best way to keep jetlag at bay.

2. Mix few drops of rosemary oil in half cup water and drink. This is an effective home remedy for jetlag.

3. Drinking valerian tea wards off jetlag symptoms.

4. During the day, take thorough sun baths. This prevents jetlag.

5. Take juices during flight and keep your body refreshed and fully hydrated. This checks jetlag.

6. During extended stopovers or transit breaks, try to take showers. This lessens the possibility of jetlag.

7. Have a good sleep before boarding the plane. This will help you to avoid jetlag.

8. Once you sit on plane chair, stretch your legs and kick off your shoes to release pressure from feet. This is a useful jetlag remedy.

9. Do not overeat before boarding plane.

10. Eat little but consume carbohydrate or protein rich diet, for it will help you to sleep soundly on flight.

11. Avoid intake of alcohol or caffeine on flight or before.

These simple home remedies and precaution help you prevent or cure jet lag problem. 

Use Avocado Oil On Your Skin

There are many uses of the delicious avocado. Using avocado oil on your skin can help clean it, heal it, and protect it against other harmful chemicals. There are a few ways you can use avocado on your face, be it by just scooping the product out with a spoon and making a face mask or using a skin care cream that utilizes avocado oil. The oil can be used for dry skin, age spots, and more.
This article discusses avocado oil and its ingredients to make a great skin care cream. Avocado oil can be used with a variety of ingredients, and it therefore, used in various anti aging creams.
Uses for the Avocado
Eating an avocado is only one way to handle an avocado. In California, they put it on everything. After a bath, for example, your skin can feel dry and dehydrated. However, using a mix of avocado oil and olive oil can be used as a lotion. To add to the scent of the mixture, you may add orange or lavender.
This magical fruit can be used to help dry skin and reduce the itching. It may also be used for age spots, as it contains sterolin, a type of steroid.
Other ingredients include:
Rose: For anxiety relief and menstrual cramps
Peppermint: Used for scent
Tangerine: Calming sedative properties
Eucalyptus: Muscle pain and skin infections
Grapefruit: Helps keep skin clean
Using cold-pressed avocado oil along with essential oils works as an anti-inflammatory e. Oil. It restores a healthy glow to your tired and dull looking skin. Using some of the same ingredients listed above, anti-aging creams also use this oil, angelica root, and bulgaria to lock in moisture.
The Magic Fruit
There are several uses for the avocado outside of the use of its essential oils. We are going to go over a few at-home techniques that can help your avocado oil skin care cream work even better.
After you peel your avocado, what do you do with the skin? Well, you do not have to throw it away any longer. The peel has oil in it, called humectant. This oil retains moisture.
Simply use the avocado peel and apply it all over your skin in an upward motion. Do this until your complete face is covered. The time you leave this on your skin can vary, but dermatologists claim an overnight facial yields the best results.
Avocado Oil Moisturizes the Skin
In case you have not guessed by now, this oil is a real important ingredient in anti aging and other skin care products. This means, you should check the ingredients of your favorite skin care cream and make sure it is giving you what you need. If it does not contain avocado oil, we suggest you try a different brand and see how that works out in your fight against aging skin.
Cadie Watson shares and gives information about skincare, healthy hair care for relaxed and natural hair! Come share and get some valuable information on uses of avocado oil.By: By

Do You Really Need a Night Cream?

While our mother went to bed with freshly scrubbed faces, many of us now use night creams that come packed with everything from antioxidants and natural plant extracts to synthetic lipids and vitamins for radiant, youthful looking skin (read: remove wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, sagging skin).

But do these creams really work, or are they just a conspiracy to get use buy another product with no proven benefits? After all, shouldn't your skin be allowed to "recover" after a day's worth of skincare and make-up products?

Save Your Skin

According to experts, using a night cream can actually help your skin recover faster. The key is that night and day creams do different jobs.

Night creams stimulate cell renewal and restore elasticity, while day cream protect skin from the ageing, darkening and damaging effects of pollution and the sun's UV rays. Both creams are formulated to keep skin moisturized, but night creams are more likely to be richer, with more anti-ageing and moisturizing ingredients.

Your Body Clock

Different biological processes happen when you are awake and when you are asleep. In the day, your body is bust using up its resources. But at night, your body seizes the chance to repair and restore itself. This applies to your skin as well.

Studies also show that your skin losses more water at night, and this drying effect is worse if you sleep with air-conditioning. That is why night creams tined to be more moisturizing to prevent dehydration and premature wrinkling.

Your skin's ability to absorb the active ingredients peaks at around 1 am, when skin cell production more than doubles. So, in theory, applying a skincare treatment via a night cream allows your skin to absorb more of the active ingredients when it is most receptive.

If you are keen on anti-ageing or whitening skincare, night creams are worth trying as they contain a higher concentration of antioxidants and whitening ingredients than day cream. This is because there is no need to include UV protection since it is used at night, which means scientists can stuff in higher concentrations of anti-ageing or whitening ingredients.

What Works For You

The night cream you selected depends on your skin type. For instance, if you have oily skin that is prone to blackheads and blemishes, a hydrating but oil-free formula is a good choice.

On the other hand, dry skin tends to suffer from fine lines and wrinkles, so it will benefit from a richer night cream. Meanwhile, if you have sensitive skin, go for a hypoallergenic formula with ingredients that strengthen the skin and the tiny blood capillaries.

Hot Tubs
Your decade-by-decade guide to the right night cream

Consider a light but moisturizing night cream. It will help prevent breakouts and blemishes, since skin that isn't moisturized tends to produce more oil to protect from the sun.

Choose :
Ingredients such as alpha or beta hydroxy acids, which help exfoliate skin and make it look brighter; antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E aid cell repair and protect skin from pollutants; botanicals such as aloe vera, chamomile and sea algae soothe and moisture; non-oily, non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic formulas don't clog the pores.

Grab :
Kenzoki Cosmic Cosmetic Cream
A super light and silky texture, it's made with Japanese angelica, bird wood extract and plant water to soothe and hydrate skin
Beaute de Kose Hydro Reservation Moisturizing Cream
This luxurious cream contains hydroxyproline to stimulate collagen formation, and glycosyl hesperidin to strengthen blood vessel walls.
Garnier Lift Night
Fortified with ginger, vitamin A, cherry, bilberry extracts, this cream helps protect skin's radiance and prevents sagging and wrinkles.
Biotherm Anti-rides Line Peel Nuit relaxing night wrinkle corrector
Together with a bio-relaxing complex, this cell-booster corrects wrinkles and helps skin renew itself.

Laugh lines are showing up around the forehead, eyes and mouth. Skin is prone to dryness, and may suffer from sallowness, especially since skin cell renewal is slowing down.

Choose :
Products with anti-ageing and anti-sagging ingredients such as retinol, panthenol and copper result in collagen production and renewal; antioxidants and lipids boost skin's moisture absorption; oil-free products help to avoid breakouts; astringent-free products prevents dehydration.

Grab :
SK-II Facial Treatment Concentrate
Crammed with four times more SK-II Pitera, the brand's signature yeast extract ingredient smoothens dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles.
Beaute de Kose Sekkisei Cream
This cream is packed with ginseng and cordyceps sinensis extracts to improve skin tone and prevent dehydration
L'Oreal Paris Dermo-Expertise Revitalift Night Moisturer
It comes with the brand's patented Nanosome technology which carries Pro-Retinol. A deeper into skin to correct and smooth away fine lines. It's also enriched with Dermalastyl.R vegetable proteins from pea extract.
Lancome Blanc Expert Neuro White? Night Renovator
This cream gently sloughs off dead cells and helps skin maintain an optimal skin hydration level with its patented hydro-trap technology.

40s and beyond
Those laugh lines have become deeper, while skin starts to sag. With oestrogen levels fluctuating, your skin can become dry and may even suffer from breakouts. Moisturizing is now your top priority.

Choose :
Ingredients such as soy, wheat germ, wheat protein and honey help skin retain water, making it appear firm and plump; glycolic acid helps get rid of dead cells and impurities; plant-based emollients such as shea butter and apricot kernel oil up the moisturizing effect; cell-repairing antioxidants to help skin renew itself at night.

Guerlain Substantific Night Care
Loaded with active purifying ingredients, this rich penetrating cream leaves skin looking clear and feeling light.
Dior Capture Sculpture 10 Nuit
One of the newest anti-ageing treatments in Singapore, the star ingredient is the Enhancing Complex, which has a white willow extract loaded with polyphenols to restore skin to its optimum condition.
Olay Regenerist Perfecting Cream
Olay's exclusive Amino Peptide Complex regenerate skin's appearance with pentapeptide, a strand of amino acid which reduces wrinkles; vitamin B3, which enhances exfoliation; and green tea extract to fight free radicals.
Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Extreme Over Night? Ultra Firming Crèème
This intelligent cream infuses skin with deep hydration, and optimizes firming benefits while boosting repair mechanisms for radiant skin.By :

Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp Straight From Your Kitchen

Itchy scalp is a quite common condition and there are lots of people who suffer from constant and intolerable scalp itching. Undoubtedly, it is very annoying and can interfere with your normal daily activities and social life. Scalp itch can be caused by a variety of underlying conditions, including dry skin, fungal infection, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, lupus, eczema, contact dermatitis, sunburn, and folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicle. Mental stress and anxiety can also contribute to itching of the scalp. However, the most common reason for itchy scalp is nothing but dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.

Scalp itchiness is not a serious or life-threatening medical situation, but it can cause loss of hair and difficulty sleeping. Moreover, severe scratching can result in lesions and sores, which in turn may lead to bacterial infection. Fortunately, this is not an untreatable problem. Several prescription and over-the-counter medications are available to reduce scalp itching and irritation. Moreover, there are multiple home remedies for itchy scalp, which are safe, simple, and very effective. In order to cure this condition, the first thing that you need to do is to find out the cause of your scalp itching and treat it effectively.
Make sure that your hair is clean and is free of dandruff, lice, and dirt. An itchy scalp can also be due to an allergic reaction to a shampoo or any other hair care product. Sometimes, changing your shampoo or conditioner may help you deal with your scalp itching. It is better to stay away from hair care products like hair spray, dye, and gel, as the chemical in these products can make your head and scalp dry. Also, reduce the exposure of your hair to the sun. If you have head lice and nits, try to treat this condition immediately. Eating a diet that includes vitamins A, B, C, and E is one of the best home remedies for itchy scalp.

These vitamins are essential for a healthy scalp and can help avoid dry skin. Foods like flaxseeds, eggs, whole grains, lean meats, avocado, nuts, and green vegetables are good home remedies for itchy scalp. Mix baking soda with water and massage your scalp with this mixture. Use only water to clean your hair after applying baking soda. Applying aloe vera gel to the scalp before going to bed can also be helpful. A best way to get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp is to rub pure apple cider vinegar onto your scalp and leave it there for half an hour to an hour. After that, wash and rinse your hair as usual. Repeat this once or twice a week.

Fresh lemon juice is also one among the effective home remedies for itchy scalp and dandruff. Dab lemon juice on your scalp using a cotton pad and then clean your hair with a shampoo and conditioner. Press your scalp with the balls of your fingers in a circular motion. It is a good home remedy for scalp itching. Massaging with peppermint oil or tea tree oil is also a fine cure for itchy scalp.By: