Diet for Asthma - Easy Way to Avoid Asthma

Asthma is the condition in which lungs are inflamed and airway swells to block the passage. Kids suffering from asthma attack may feel breathlessness, tightness, cough and whistling sound on breathing. The sensitive airway tightens the muscles of the respiratory tract and it reduces the amount of air passing through the lungs. It can affect anybody from a kid to adult. According to certain research, it has been found that people who consume greater amount of vitamin C, Vitamin E, magnesium, flavonoids, selenium, omega 3 fatty acids and beta carotene suffer less from asthma. Kids who ate more of Mediterranean diet which included a number of apples, grapes, nuts and tomatoes suffered less from asthma.

The cases of asthma have risen in the last three decades and researchers believe the change in diet and environmental conditions has a direct effect on asthma triggers. In children a number of food products can trigger an attack. It is assumed that if the body is not provided with all the needed nutrients the body is more susceptible to the attacks of certain respiratory viruses and it can trigger asthma.

Certain foods products which can trigger an attack are

1. Food which contains benzoates, gallates and sulphites and food prepared from certain coloring agents or beer or wine can trigger the attack. It is advised to avoid alcohol and stop smoking to prevent it.

2. Cow's milk, fish, eggs, cereals, soy and nuts can also trigger allergic reactions.

3. Certain food products which can help in thinning the mucus in the respiratory track include garlic, hot mustard and onions.

There are certain food products which contain anti inflammatory properties such as fatty fish, onion and fruits which contain Vitamin C can also be included in the diet. The diet for asthma must include the following

1. Take a diet rich in vitamin B and magnesium.

2. Take a good amount of green leafy vegetables, pulse, sunflower seeds, figs and broccoli.

3. One should try to find out the food items which may trigger an asthmatic attack and avoid it.

4. One should take small meal at one time and take meals many times in a day. Take more of fat, proteins and carbohydrates to stay healthy.

5. Vitamin A found in carrots, broccoli, winter squashes, and pumpkin should be included in the diet because it contains a good amount of beta carotene. The color of these vegetables comes from beta carotene and more the color more is the content of beta carotene.

6. Vitamin B6 is needed to improve the immunity of the body and to get the needed strength. It is helpful in the production of hemoglobin and it is found in legumes, whole grains, cereals, fish, meat, nuts and breads.

7. Take a good amount of vitamin C which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables. One can include apples, avocadoes, melons, blueberries, peaches and kiwifruits to get a good amount of vitamin C.

8. Corn, germ, spinach and green leafy vegetables can be taken. Zinc is found in almonds, peanuts and mixed nuts and it can be included in diet.