Home Remedies for Wrinkles - Get Rid Of The Dreadful Feeling

Wrinkles appear after we pass certain age which is quite embarrassing because a person starts feeling elderly as soon as first sign of this dermatological problem develops on the skin. But there are many effective home remedies for wrinkles which may help to get rid of the dreadful feeling of getting old.

Technically, a wrinkle is a crease in the skin which appears because of aging process. In addition, prolonged exposure to water may temporarily develop this dermatological problem. Moreover, prolonged exposure to water prevents the skin from expanding because the skin absorbs too much water. Due to this, dermatological problem occurs which is temporary and does not require any treatment.

There are many causes for the occurrence of this dermatological problem.

Firstly, aging is the prime cause of this dermatological problem. Moreover, elastin and collagen are two elements that keep the skin taunt, and the skin loses its efficiency to produce elastin and collagen as we age.

Secondly, over exposure to sunrays may also lead to this skin problem.

Thirdly, smoking is not only harmful for the lungs but also for the skin. Moreover, the habit of smoking affects the formation of collagen which may lead to sagging skin. There are many effective home remedies for wrinkles but, only the most effective remedies are mentioned here which can help to tighten the skin.

1. Beat an egg white, and apply it on the affected areas. After 20 minutes, wash thoroughly with water.

2. Take one-fourth cup of witch hazel, 10 drops of patchouli oil and one-fourth cup of comfrey infusion. Mix all the ingredients together, and apply this mixture on the affected areas with a cotton swab. Leave it on skin for 25 minutes, and wash thoroughly with water. This is one of the most effective home remedies for wrinkles.

3. Mix virgin coconut oil with Vitamin E oil. Gently massage this mixture on the affected areas every night before going to bed. This massage oil is one of the most miraculous home remedies for wrinkles.

4. Prepare a paste by mixing turmeric powder with sugarcane juice. Apply the paste on the affected areas to tighten the skin.

5. For fine wrinkles, rub the core of pineapple, and leave it for 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water.

6. Crush half green Thompson seedless grape on the affected areas, and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

7. Take a handful of flaxseeds, a few spoons of fresh cream, a spoon of honey and a slice of avocado. Blend all of them in a blender to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected areas. This is one of the most effective skin nourishing home remedies for wrinkles.

8. Mix a few drops of castor oil with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the affected areas. Vitamin C in lemon juice helps in tightening the skin.

In conclusion, the mentioned home remedies for wrinkles are both simple and effective, but some changes in lifestyle will prove to be beneficial in preventing this dermatological problem. Firstly, take a well balanced diet to ensure the supply of essential nutrients in the body. Secondly, avoid sedentary lifestyle so that the body could work efficiently. Thirdly, stay away from smoking to prevent this dermatological problem. Finally, to acquire a healthy and problem-free skin a person will have to pair the mentioned home remedies for wrinkles with the mentioned preventions.BY