What are the Treatments and Cure for Onycholysis?

Fingernails give additional grace to your personality and also show how clean you can be with your personal hygiene. But if you are affected with general fingernails disease like Onycholysis, it may be a cause of embarrassment and complex for you in public places. As a result, you may start losing confidence in yourself. People suffering from Onycholysis keep all preventions to show their nails openly.

What is Onycholysis?

To be precise in defining Onycholysis, it is a kind of nail fungus infection with four different types. The nail disease is also popular as ringworm nail or tinea unguium, and the fungus causing the onset of disease belongs to the Trichophyton fungal family. The fungal disease seriously affects toenails and fingernails. As a result of which, they get separated from bed at the distal free margin.
Common Factors Responsible For Onycholysis

Onycholysis is a kind of yeast infection and you can easily find discoloration happening in the foot and had nails. There are several factors which may give rise to fungal disease, such as heredity, exogenous, endogenous and idiopathic. Further, if you maintain physical contact with the affected person or even due to accumulation of moisture, there are fair chances to get affected with Onycholysis.

Prominent factors which lead to Onycholysis are:

1. Extensive use of drugs like Psoralens, Minocycline, Tetracycline, oral contraceptives and chlortetracycline
2. Fungal infections or excess use of water which leads to formation of Lichens or Planus.
3. The disease may also occur as the result of side effect occurring because of over medication. If you are being treated for any other disease or diseases, the medications used will initiate Onycholysis.
4. Thyroid dysfunction, Hypothyroidism, Pellagra, Ischemia, Neuritis, Leprosy, Yellow nail syndrome, neoplastic disorders etc are also primary reasons for the Onycholysis to occur.
5. Nail polish removers also cause occurrence of fungal disease in foot nails and fingernails.

Treatment of Onycholysis

Once you detect reasons of fungal disease occurring in your fingernails or foot nails, your next step should be to right Onycholysis treatment. The treatment begins as soon as you find irritation occurring in fingernails or toenails. Make sure that you go for expert opinion of physician who has in-depth knowledge of all sorts of fungal infections. Early treatment of the disease will bring early and fast cure and it will protect you from the occurrence of any other infection.
Onycholysis treatment is the first line to ensure that you can easily come out of fungal problems. By: