No More Worries for Your Hair Loss

There are a numerous hair transplant clinics that are considered to be the best in the country. It is a very common procedure for people who are suffering from hair loss and balding issues.It is a technique where hair follicles from the 'donor area' are taken and transplanted in the bald area known as the 'recipient area'. It can be used to treat male and female baldness problem. Also, it is used to improve the hairline scalp, eye brow restoration, and restoring eyelashes, beard, mustache etc.
What is Hair Transplant?
A hair transplant is a suitable procedure for both men and women who have experienced baldness or thinning of hair. This can also be used for hair loss that happens due to scarring. Those who are in the early stages of baldness may try for medical treatments first. Later on they can go for hair transplantation, which is affordable, effective, and a permanent option.
Knowing About Hair Restoration:
Hair restoration surgery is meant to extract hair from the patient himself/herself. If the hair is taken from someone else's scalp, it may not suit the scalp of the patient. Androgen-independent hair that is genetically resistant to baldness is extracted from the 'donor site'. Each are sorted into 1-5 hair strands containing in one graft. Then, the same grafts are implanted in the bald area or 'recipient site'.
Types of Transplantation of Hair:
Hair transplant surgeries have reached to a high standard with newer technologies like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedures.
• Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):- This method uses strip harvesting technique. For undergoing this surgery local tumescent anaesthesia is administered to the area where the operation shall be conducted. In FUT tiny follicular bundles are removed from the donor area as a thin layer of tissue. The follicles are obtained from the back and sides of the scalp, and are further dissected by the use of micro-scoping techniques. Tiny recipient sides are made in the bald area.
The major change FUT brought into hair transplant surgery was the use of stereo microscopes by surgeons, which helps them in the dissection of hair grafts. Stereo microscopes help the surgeons to keep the integrity intact of hair follicles and due to this reason the survival time of graft is increased.
• Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):- The most preferred, advanced and expensive procedure of hair transplantation is the FUE. In FUT procedure, there is a linear scar that is concealed by the surrounding hair. This does not happen in FUE procedure as every follicular unit is extracted individually, leaving the donor area almost scar less. 
But it consumes more time and involves lesser hairs transplanted.
Cost Factor:
Hair transplant cost at Harley Street in London depends on transplanted grafts or sessions. The cost of hair restoration comes at a whopping £2,000 for 500 grafts to £8,750 for 3500 grafts. It can go up depending on the patient's donor hair density and desired density of the recipient area. No one takes the responsibility for the hair restoration clinics which offers the same at a lower price. Hair restoration cost starts from £2,000-£5,000 for FUT session of 7-10 hours. FUT hair restoration price starts from £3, 250 and go up to £15,000 depending on the graft number.
One should also consult a doctor or dermatologist before heading for the transplantation surgery. This will help the person to take a proper path of treatment for his hair loss. You can also drop in to a reputed hair transplant clinic at Harley Street in London to know about it in details.
One should also consult a doctor or dermatologist before heading for the hair transplant surgery. This will help the person to take a proper path of treatment for his hair loss. You can also drop in our hair transplant clinic to know it in details. By