Natural Hair Fall Treatment Tips

Experts claim that human beings, on an average, have 100,000 strands of hair and they normally shed 50-100 of these strands on a daily basis. Regular shedding does not lead to noticeable thinning; however, when the rate of shedding overtakes the rate of regrowth (or the new hair growth is visibly thinner than the shed hair), it leads to baldness. Hair loss can be due to medical reasons, poor nutrition, hormonal changes or scalp infection. Natural hair fall treatment is the best way of dealing with hair fall problems.
Hair Fall Treatment: Why is Natural Preventive Care Preferred over Others?
Most hair experts today would recommend the use of aloe vera, egg, neem and red pepper or herbal supplements as hair fall treatment rather than medicated products. The popularity of herbal products can be credited to their efficacy in offering a permanent cure for hair loss problems. These natural products increase blood circulation to the scalp, delivering more nutrients to the follicles, thus promoting hair growth.
Some other natural elements that prevent hair fall and check a reducing hairline are:
Green tea: This is considered to be an effective treatment for male pattern type baldness. A 2000 study claimed that green tea supplies more ammo to battle hair loss than most other beverages. It reduces the DHT and testosterone levels in the body, which cures the symptoms of baldness. Green tea also contains polyphenol catechins, which tend to hamper the action of particular enzymes that spark hair loss.
Fenugreek: This natural herb contains very potent seeds that reduce balding and hair thinning. Fenugreek seed paste or boiled seeds are an effective cure for dandruff. The seeds contain hormone precursors, which tend to restore the hair shaft and replenish hair growth. Furthermore, these herbal seeds contain nicotine acid and protein, both of which help in strengthening the hair shaft and stimulating hair growth.
Coconut or castor oil: Scalp massage with oil is not a new phenomenon. However, if the same is done with a mixture of warm coconut and castor oil for half an hour prior to taking a bath, it prevent dryness, dandruff, improve circulation and strengthens hair roots.
While undertaking these hair fall treatments, one must not forget to improve one's diet. Healthy hair diet consists of salmon, dark green vegetables, such as lettuce and beans, nuts, poultry, eggs, whole grain, oysters, carrots, raisins and low-fat dairy products, such as skimmed milk and yogurt.