How To Prevent Premature Skin Aging

The long daily working hours, a sedentary lifestyle and other family pressures puts not only mental stress on an individual but also causes fast aging. Black lines and wrinkles under the eyes are the results of working excessive hours and taking too much physical stress. Moreover, smoking and consumption of excessive alcohol also causes severe damage to the skin.
Believe it or not, nobody in today's world wants to look like an old grandmother or an old uncle; when they are not even in their forties. People are very cautious of their looks these days and they want to retain their glamorous looks even after a certain age. Everybody wants to avoid premature skin aging. Medical science now allows you to take the help of some important scientific techniques to look like an ageless man or woman.

This is a type of radio frequency treatment whose primary purpose is to lift the sagging skin by tightening it. The treatment can be used to rectify various sections of a face such as the area under the jawline, chin, areas near the neck and eyes. The process of thermage is quite interesting. With the help of a heating process, the existing collagen present under the skin is removed and instead a new collagen is produced which further gives a radiant and youthful glow to the skin. The effect of a thermage lasts for 2 years and works wonders for the skin underneath the eyes. The process is completely safe and does not have any kind of side effects.
For people suffering from skin problems such as scars left by acne or pigmentation, Fraxel is their ultimate skin treatment option. After undergoing this treatment, you will not only have a smooth skin, but also get a clear skin without any marks or scars. Moreover, this treatment is also quite popular among the people for removing dark brown spots or to improve the texture of the skin. The skin is treated with laser which repairs all the damaged areas. There are two kinds of Fraxel treatments; ablative and non-ablative laser treatments. Before you undergo any Fraxel surgery, it is better to seek the advice of a dermatologist.

You might be familiar with this term. Doctors prescribe Botox to people who want to have a youthful looking smooth skin and a general youthful appearance. Here, the medicine is injected over the skin of the patient. It is mostly injected under the eyes of a person in order to tighten the skin around the area for a certain period. By