Finding a Natural Heartburn Relief

Heartburn is often due to the strong reaction of gastric juices to certain foods during the digestion process. Research has found that approximately 60 million Americans are afflicted by the condition. Ten million of these are adult sufferers who experience the condition regularly. The primary cause of heartburn is acidity and indigestion. In case you are experiencing the condition regularly, you may suffer from fatigue and sleep disturbances as well.
Heartburn Relief
Although heartburn is not considered as a serious condition, the symptoms of the condition can still cause a lot of discomfort, such as the burning feeling on the chest due to acid reflux. Chronic heartburn can also result to hernia, ulcer and other digestive diseases. It can also wake you up for a good sleep, which is why it is necessary to follow some precautions or safety measures to prevent the condition. Some helpful things that should be remembered when dealing with heartburn are the following:
* Avoid drinking aerated drinks and consuming junk foods. Take note that following a nutritious diet is necessary for individuals suffering from heartburn conditions. In case you are suffering from this condition, make sure that you avoid eating spicy foods and junk foods, as well as drinking aerated drinks. These types of products can increase the amount of acid in the stomach, thus leading to a heartburn attack. Instead of these, it would be better to opt for fresh greens and high fiber fruits, as these have lower acid contents.
* Avoid excessive cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking can cause heartburn that is often characterized by pain in the chest.
* Do some lifestyle changes. In order to relieve heartburn, there are some lifestyle habits that you have to alter. If you are used to sleeping after having a meal, this should be stopped immediately, as sleeping or lying down immediately after eating can trigger a heartburn attack.
* Go for a walk after having lunch or dinner instead of lying down.
* Avoid overeating. Instead of following the traditional way of having three large meals, it would be best to divide your meals to 5 to 6 smaller ones and consume it throughout the day.
* Stay on your left side when sleeping, as this is helpful in enhancing the digestion process.
* Consume your foods slowly and make sure to chew it properly.
* Do regular exercises. There are times when heartburn is due to excessive weight but this can be relieved by doing regular exercises. However, make sure that you do not perform weightlifting exercises, as these can add more pressure to the abdomen.
* Instead of wearing tight clothes, opt for loose ones to reduce the pressure on the abdomen.
* Drink lots of water in case you are suffering from acidity or indigestion problems.
* Keep the head elevated when sleeping.
* Learn how to manage stress and anxiety, as both of these can also cause heartburn attacks. You can manage stress and anxiety by doing meditation exercises, such as yoga.
These are very simple tips that you can easily follow in order to properly deal with heartburn conditions. However, in case the condition is severe, it would be best to consult a physician to diagnose the condition properly and determine the right treatment for your heartburn condition.