3 Tips For Choosing a Facial Cleanser for Oily Skin

When it comes to caring for oily skin, cleansing is the most important step. While there are a number of facial cleansers that claim to have the ability to put oily skin under control, get rid of oily skin and many other ridiculous claims, studies show that oil production can only be triggered by hormones and therefore no product can get rid of oily skin unless it is addressing the hormonal issue. That said, it is important for people with oily skin to be aware of such fallacies when going out to shop for a cleanser that works. This article discusses three things you need to know before you buy a cleanser for your oily skin:
  1. A good cleanser for oily skin should be water soluble. A water soluble cleanser can be washed off easily leaving the skin clean. It is therefore advisable to avoid using bar soap and thick liquid cleansers on your face as this causes clogged pores. Clogged pores are a major cause of pimples which is another issue that many people with oily skin deal with.

  2. Avoid cleansers with irritants. Irritants include menthol,and some plant extracts like mint,citrus juices,cinnamon and lavender. While these extracts are added to cleansers to give that tingling feeling, they are not good for people with oily skin as they may trigger excess oil production and cause pimples.Before selecting a cleanser, scan through the ingredients used to produce that cleanser. Most people will only read the product description and buy a product based on the description, forgetting that the product description is only used for marketing purposes and that what is in the product is essentially what matters most. Avoid any cleanser with the above mentioned irritants as well as products with alcohol and sulfur which lead to excess oil production.

  3. Be cautious when selecting a cleanser that has a facial scrub. Facial scrub is necessary for getting rid of dead skin and opening clogged pores due to the excess oil being produced by your glands. However, be very cautious when buying an all in one cleanser, because excessive scrubbing of your face is another form of skin irritation which as discussed above, may cause production of excess oil and pimples. Using a clean wash cloth with a gentle water soluble cleanser can accomplish the goal of cleansing your face thoroughly without causing irritation. Scrubbing should be done once or twice a week to avoid irritating your skin daily and disrupting the ability of your skin to heal.
Choosing the right facial cleanser for your oily skin should not be a hard task when you already know what to avoid. If you ensure that your facial cleanser is water soluble, does not contain irritants and does not disrupt the normal healing process of the skin on your face, you can easily eliminate half of the products on the cosmetic shelve and remain with a selection of few good facial cleansers that can be good for your skin. With the few cleansers left to choose from, it becomes a matter of preference, bearing in mind that expensive does not always mean good quality.By