Why Anorexia Targets Women

Eating disorders tend to go beyond the boundaries of needing to be skinny with restricted-eating habits (most seem to be attached to their owner psychologically). That is to say - the psychological factor is often the instigator behind a woman believing she is fat, overly fat, or even verging on the side of being obese.
Psychological factors often provoke an anorexia sufferer to act irrational by restricting their eating habits; thus, causing an insufficient intake of calories, minerals, and nutrients, etc., that the body so needs to stay healthy. Even starving by an anorexia sufferer is not such an uncommon practice, together with purging (eating, followed by forced/self-inflicted vomiting after-wards). Other symptoms may include: obsessive exercise, and the use of laxatives to help themselves lose-weight.
So why does anorexia affect more women than men?
The "media" has much to do with anorexia, as every time one watches the t.v., or flips through a magazine - the one thing that becomes apparent is - "the perfect look," where skinny women are "glamorized," and obese women are "looked-down upon" (a factor that can propel a woman [or child] into thinking she may be looked-down upon if she does not exhibit the same perfect profile that the public asks for.
Women are different to men with regards to beauty - remember, many women will not leave the house in the morning without putting their makeup on first (for the fear of not being seen to be beautiful [a psychological factor that men do not have to live with]). Also, it is quite commonly known - a man may have two or three pairs of shoes in the closet to combine with their clothes, whereas a woman may have a couple of dozen pairs of shoes in theirs (again a psychological factor for women, and considered an unnecessary aspect of life for most men]).
"Most" being the operable word here, as a small percentage of men do actually suffer from anorexia. However, many of that small percentage work in what are considered to be "women's jobs" by most men - dancers, and models, etc., and where there is a need to be fit and slim (although they do exist - fat dancers and models are not commonly called for by the public eye).
Some women are naturally thin/skinny, so no real work is needed in dieting and exercise. However, for most of us (the crowd) that is not the case, and where not even with dieting and exercise would we end-up with a finely sculptured
body as those that can be seen on the t.v., and in the many magazines that can be found at the local paper store.
Because of this, for a small percentage of women, the only option to obtain the perfect body is to eat less. However, a psychological factor seems to set-in on this journey where the perception of what is perfect/slim/skinny gets distorted (at this point, even less food is eaten, so as to become even skinnier - or more perfect as it is seen).
Also, subconsciously, an anorexia sufferer might even feel like they have accomplished something great by being able to control their eating (or at least that is what they think they are doing). More often than not, the same person will be so preoccupied with their eating habits (weight-loss), they may even forget about other important things in life, or may simply avoid doing them all together.
It is believed that anorexia sufferers feel a great sense of achievement because they are able to exercise an extreme degree of willpower over what they eat (or more so what they do not eat) and their weight (other reasons for anorexia eating disorders may be heredity).
Conclusion - The simple fact is that the media, tends to bring out the inbuilt weakness of a small percentage of women for the need to be perfect (beautiful), which is nothing more that a psychological aspect that is less important to men.-By