What To Expect From Spirulina Side Effects

Spirulina is a blue algae diet supplement that is known to provide numerous health improvements. It truly is a balance diet source because it features carbohydrate, antioxidant, protein, minerals and vitamins. However similar to most supplements, spirulina too has some unwanted effects if not consumed with care. Having said that, the adverse effects are few and it is certainly preventable.
Individuals struggling with anemia could feel faintness, tiredness and random hunger pangs. Undiagnosed patients that feel any of these conditions are encouraged to consult with a physician and get checked for anemia.
A fever and nausea could occur because of the excessive protein consumption. The high protein content of spirulina causes the most widespread side effects, which is an elevated body's temperature. This is sparked through the metabolism of the increased protein that is followed by the release of heat. The generated heat and the temperature changes may cause fever.
Spirulina intake must be together with plenty of water for the effective ingestion of the supplement. 500 milliliters of water is suggested to be consumed with the consumption of the supplement. Without having enough intake of water, negative effects like extreme thirst and constipation will occur.
Some people might experience body rash or itchiness of skin. This is an uncommon issue which might be initiated by an allergic reaction to the blue green algae in general. Just a few consumers have been reported to suffer from the side effect. It should not impact for most users.
Damage to the liver and kidney is among the most severe negative effects that may be triggered from consuming spirulina. This is often a result of the concentration of nucleic acid found in the organic matter in which the blue green algae were obtained from. Therefore a user is recommended to take the capsules from algae that contain a small level of nucleic acid. Taking high quality supplements can help to save the trouble of getting a liver and kidney damage.
Spirulina intake could cause the stomach to produce unwanted gases which could cause abdominal pain. This is due to its high nutrient content contained in the product. When it gets ingested, the body system may release more gases than usual.
Examples above are some of the most familiar negative effects. However the reactions pointed out here are absolutely preventable. Consuming the appropriate dose of the supplement is important to be able to enjoy it without any health issue. For that reason, it is guided that the daily maximum should be under 3 grams.By Ruth Evans
What To Expect From Spirulina Side Effects