There is increasingly greater scientific evidence that body pH
and free radical capacity is one of the greatest indicators of health
ever known. It all started in 1935 when Otto Warburg was awarded the
Nobel Prize for discovering the lack of oxygen as the cause of most
diseases, particularly cancer.
Since then oxygen capacity and its
related issues have been at the forefront of some of the most brilliant
research to date. One of the major components of the health equation is
pH. When diet, lifestyle and drinking habits combine into a net acidic
gain, the pH of the tissues and the surrounding fluids will drop, along
with the capacity to carry oxygen. Because the blood feeds the tissues
and removes the waste and toxins, it tries to remove some of the
metabolic acids from the body fluids and tissues. As a result the blood
pH begins to drop which signals the body's natural buffering
capabilities to kick in. The body draws alkaline minerals from the
bones, organs and teeth to keep the blood as close to 7.365 as possible.
One of the most dangerous environments for the blood is flying, especially long flights at high altitudes.
One of the most dangerous environments for the blood is flying, especially long flights at high altitudes.
people have an acidic lifestyle where they do not consume enough
alkaline forming foods and beverages as a dietary choice. There is
something about green things with leaves that repels people. As a result
they are in a constant tug of war with the pH balance.
the drop in pH which makes the red blood cells sticky and clump together
from the air quality in planes, with the inactivity of sitting for long
periods and you have a potentially lethal mix.
The air in older
aircraft comes into the cabin interior by blowing over the motors and
then inside. There doesn't seem to be any data available as to the
content of carbon dioxide in the incoming air. Reports show that newer
models of aircraft have improved air quality, but again there is no
easily accessible imperical data.
CO2 is acidic and because it is
transported by the blood, the blood becomes sticky and forms rolls, like
stacks of coins called rouleaux. This is seen during a live-blood
microscopy examination. When the red blood cells stick together in
rouleaux or other clumping styles, they cannot flow through the
capillaries and release oxygen to the cells. The blood cells can even
get stuck in these small vessels forming blood clots. Larger blood clots
can also form in larger blood vessels by this same stacking and
clumping action. Aside from body terrain acidity, rouleaux blood can
result from poor protein metabolism and leaky gut syndrome.
vein thrombosis is a blood clot in a deeper, larger vein and is much
more serious. Chronic, inappropriate dietary habits, combined with
inactivity and possible increased CO2 levels provide a ripe avenue for
sticky blood that has the potential to form serious blood clots.
blood is pumped by the heart and by special valves in the blood vessels
to get the blood throughout the arterial system as quickly as possible.
Venous blood return happens primarily by muscle action, by activity.
The muscles, by moving, squeeze the blood along the veins towards the
heart. As the blood is pushed along, one-way valves prevent the blood
from sliding back too far. When you are very still, some of your venous
blood can be more sluggish and tends to pool in the legs and feet. Many
hours on an aircraft with sticky blood and very little movement is a
recipe for cold extremities, fatigue, inability to concentrate and of
course, blood clots or thromboses.
More acidic blood is also an
opportunity for virus, bacteria, mold, fungus and yeast to thrive. Blood
at its natural 7.365 is ideal for keeping your immune system alert and
efficient. How many times have you contracted an illness after a flight?
Chronic low level acidosis, as it is called, makes chronic body terrain
acidity, the beginnings of chronic disease and ideal for blood clots to
Because everything in the body is either positively or
negatively charged, we can see where the alteration of the electrical
charge caused by an acidic state of the red blood cell membranes causes
them to get sticky and clump together. The process actually creates more
problems than just blood clots. It is much more difficult to transfer
oxygen, carbon dioxide and metabolic acids, and to biologically
transform into new cells.
We can use this information to reverse
this acidic body terrain by using a specific strategy, particularly for a
few days before you fly. Ideally your body terrain should be slightly
alkaline through your lifestyle choices, including alkaline, ionized
water with a pH of 8.0 to 9.5, depending on what your urine pH is. It
should be 6.9.
If you don't "do" alkaline on a regular basis, then
there is a solution, particularly before you fly. Because a thrombosis
is caused by lowered antioxidant levels (the capacity of oxygen to
eradicate free radicals), I suggest that you try the following recipe.
If you already have phlebitis or you are prone to blood clots, you will
notice it may take a couple of weeks to notice improvement in your
Choose lemon or lime, whichever you prefer. You will
need enough fresh lemons or limes to make 8 teaspoons of juice. Put the
ingredients into a 12 ounce glass in the following order. Fill the glass
half full of water (6 ounces). Add 8 teaspoons of fresh lemon OR lime
juice. Add ¼ to ½ teaspoonful of baking soda and stir until the baking
soda dissolves. DO NOT REMOVE THE FROTHING. Drink this mixture twice per
day for a few days before your flight and a few days after your return.
If you fly regularly, you can add this to your routine, while at the
same time monitoring your urine pH with pH strips designed for this
purpose, bought from a health food store.
This solution has the
alkalinity and the Vitamin C for antioxidants that conditions your blood
and makes it easier to keep it in a vital state and improving its
ability to carry and dispose of oxygen, CO2 and dietary and metabolic
acids. Alternatively, you can ask for club soda with a slice of lemon on
the flight. Cheers and happy flying!By
E. Jean Perrins