Urinary Tract Infection - UTI Symptoms and Natural Remedies

A Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is an infection that can happen anywhere along the urinary tract which includes the bladder, kidneys, urethra, and the ureters. While men do get Urinary Tract Infections, they are more common among women because the female urethra is shorter and closer to the anus. UTIs, are a serious health problem affecting millions of people each year.
The bacterial infection known as Cystitus occurs when the lower tract becomes infected by bacteria. The majority of these Cystitus cases are caused by E coli, a bacteria in the lower digestive tract. Other risk factors for Cystitus include blockage of the bladder, pregnancy, and diabetes.
Microorganisms like Chlamydia and Mycoplasma may also cause UTIs in both men and women, but these infections are usually limited to the urethra and reproductive system. Sexual intercourse may increase the risk of developing a UTI, which is just another of the many good reasons for condom use.
In order to avoid an infection it's important to drink plenty of fluids because when you urinate, you help remove bacteria from the bladder. However, do not drink fluids that tend to irritate the bladder like alcohol or caffeine. If bacteria is allowed to grow faster than it is removed by urination, an infection is the result. Women should always keep their genital areas clean by wiping from front to back in order to reduce the chance of transferring bacteria from the rectal area to the urethra.
In addition, urinating immediately after sexual intercourse may help eliminate any bacteria that might have been introduced during intercourse. If you do not urinate for a long period of time, you are giving the bacteria time to multiply. Frequent urination could possibly reduce the risk of cystitis in people who suffer from frequent Urinary Tract Infections.