Causes and Remedies For Eyelash Loss

Eyelashes help frame the face so when women have the misfortune of thinning eyelashes and, in some cases, complete loss of the eyelashes, this can drastically change the way they look leading to self consciousness and loss of self esteem.
Eyelash loss is known to be caused by a number of different factors including; long-term use of cosmetics and makeup removers, thyroid conditions, mites, trauma, drug side effects and aging.
Cosmetics And Makeup Removers
One of the most common factors that can lead to eyelash loss is an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in makeup, specifically mascara.. If this is the case changing to a hypoallergenic eye makeup product may solve the problem.
Waterproof mascara can also have an effect of eyelash loss caused by the difficulty of removing the mascara product resulting in the wearer rubbing and tugging on the lashes during eyelash cleaning. Solutions to this problem include changing to lighter mascara that is not waterproof and gentler cleaning.
Heavy coats of mascara left on overnight can also contribute to eyelash loss by weighing down delicate eyelashes and causing them to fall out. A lighter application of mascara will reduce this problem as well as avoiding rubbing of the eyes while the mascara is worn.
Thyroid Conditions
Thyroid disorders can effect general hair growth. Having a low function thyroid can cause eyelash hair loss. People who suffer from hypothyroidism (decreased function of the thyroid gland) can have an effect of causing small clumps of eyelashes to fall out. Once the thyroid condition has been medically treated (e.g. synthroid) the symptoms of eyelash loss will be reduced or eliminated.
Mites That Cause Eyelash Loss
Beds and other household furnishings are not the only places that mites live. Demodex folliculorum is a tiny mite that lives in human pores and hair follicles; often in the roots of eyelashes. Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle. If too many mites have buried into the same follicle it can cause the eyelash to fall out. This condition should also be treated by a physician.
Trauma to the Eyelids and Eyelashes
Excessive rubbing and plucking of the eyelashes will eventually result in eyelash loss and can hinder the growth of new eyelashes. A well known compulsive disorder is Trichotillomania (TTM) that causes sufferers to compulsively pull out scalp, body, eyelash and eyebrow hair. Habit reversal training, coupled with appropriate medication, has been shown to be a successful solution to TTM. Habit Reversal Training is a form of therapy that doctors use to train the individual to learn to recognize habit impulses and be able to redirect them.
Drug Side Effects
Some prescription drugs will help solve ailments but can have a side effect that includes hair loss, specifically eyelash loss. Some well documented examples are:
Acitretin is a retinoid (i.e. Vitamin A) used for treatment of severe psoriasis and other skin disorders.
Soriatane is also used for severe psoriasis for women who are unresponsive to other therapies of this skin disorder condition.
Neotigason contains the active ingredient acitretin and is used to treat severe psoriasis and other severe disorders of the skin. Neotigason helps return the skin to normal where there is a problem with the normal development of the skin.
Aging and Eyelash Loss
Aging is one of the more common causes of eyelash loss. Hormonal changes in a woman's body beyond menopause can lead to a reduction in hair growth that includes eyelashes. HRT therapy can help slow down eyelash loss.
Talika Lipocils
The Talika Lipocils Eyelash Conditioning Gel can help make the most of eyelashes during any of the above conditions. The Talika product does not, however, solve any of the underlying medical conditions but makes the most of the eyelashes that are left and encourages new eyelash growth.
When used twice daily for 28 consecutive days Talika Lipocils makes the eyelashes fuller longer and darker.
A clinical study was conducted on a sample of women who applied the Lipocils eyelash gel daily for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks of application 88% of eyelashes had reached their maximum length whereas before treatment 24% of hairs had reached the maximum length. This study also demonstrated 63% of eyelashes increased in length by mm 0.5 to mm 2.5.
This product is made up of lecithin and 100% natural plant extracts.
Soy Lecithin - source of liposomes (liposomes stimulates eyelash growth)
Witch Hazel - anti-inflammatory, healing and softening effect
Allantoin - moisturizes the eyelash
Women desire full, long luminous eyelashes and with proven results by clinical studies, there are eyelash growth products that truly work.