Pneumonia Home Remedies

Pneumonia home remedies can be used along with conventional medicine to relieve the pain and discomfort of painful lungs, breathlessness, coughing, fatigue and fever. The best pneumonia home remedies focus on providing good nutrition, rest and specific immune-boosting supplements.
Vitamin C is one of the better known pneumonia home remedies. Vitamin C boosts your immune function by stimulating the production of interferon - a natural microbe killer. When an infection starts, take 500-1000mg of vitamin C every hour for several hours (or until you get loose stools).
Zinc stimulates antibody and T-cell production and helps fuel circulation of white blood cells. A zinc lozenge or dose of liquid zinc every 2-3 hours is recommended.
Vitamin A will help heal inflamed mucous membranes and strengthen the immune system. This dose can be taken safely a couple of times a day. If you are pregnant keep your dose below 2500 IU.
Taken fresh, either raw or lightly cooked, garlic is one of the most accessible pneumonia home remedies. For those who dislike the taste of garlic, 2-3 capsules or tablets a day will do the trick.
Flu buster tea
This tea is one of the most potent antiviral and antibacterial pneumonia home remedies. Drink throughout the day to relieve symptoms:
1 heaped teaspoon Fenugreek
1 cm ginger root, grated
1 clove garlic, crushed
pinch cayenne pepper
1/2 lemon, squeezed
Seep solid ingredients in hot water for 5 minutes. Add lemon juice before serving. If desired a teaspoon of natural honey (Manuka Honey is best) can be added.
Other herbs
Liquorice, Marshmallow, Horehound, Coltfoot are natural cough relievers. Drinking warm or hot water and sucking on lozenges can help.
Infection fighting foods
There are many foods with antiviral and antibacterial properties which act as fantastic pneumonia home remedies. Most of these foods have high antioxidant levels. Some of the hotter foods have expectorant and decongestant properties.
Here's some foods to include in your diet: Onion, garlic, green or red peppers, chilli, cabbage, cauliflower, mustard (especially horseradish), Shitake mushrooms, turmeric, ginger, ginseng, pineapple, lemons, blueberry, raspberry, plum, tea (black, oolong or green), natural yoghurt and chicken broth (high in cysteine which thins mucous). Good quality protein foods are also important to help rebuild the cells.
Other pneumonia home remedies
  • Stay warm, rest, get plenty of sleep and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to rehydrate the body.
  • Gargling with a teaspoon of salt in warm water can help relieve a sore throat.
  • A steamy shower or Epsom salt bath can help relieve nasal congestion and help you feel better.
  • A steam inhalation where you breathe in the steam over a bowl of hot water (cover your head with a towel) can soothe inflamed membranes and drain mucous. The addition of a few drops of eucalyptus, tea tree or pine can help.
  • A vaporiser or humidifier at night can moisten the mucous membranes and help you sleep.
  • A chest rub with a menthol or camphor rub can open breathing passages.
  • Don't go back to work too early. Give your body a chance to heal.
These simple pneumonia home remedies can help a great deal in alleviating your symptoms.