Drinking Water, Hemorrhoids and Alcohol Consumption

There is a lot to be shared about the connection between drinking water, hemorrhoids (piles) and excessive alcohol consumption. The news media, health blogs and healthy living magazines constantly remind people to drink more water for better health.
We all know water is better for us than soda, sugary drinks and all the other liquids most people prefer to drink than simple water. But we all have cravings. I used to drink lots of soda thinking I was getting enough water from it.
These same health sources also warn that excessive alcohol consumption and hemorrhoids are a painful reality for many heavy drinkers. Piles are inflamed anal veins that grow into small or large masses inside or outside of the anus.
They are commonly known as internal or external hemorrhoids or external piles and internal piles. Hemorrhoid symptoms are chronic itching in and around the rectal cavity. They also cause a stinging burning pain that makes walking or even sitting extremely painful. Severe inflammation of anus veins can cause bleeding from the anal region that can be scary.
Let's look at drinking water, excessive alcohol consumption and hemorrhoids a little more closely.
Drinking Water and Hemorrhoids
Water is absolutely essential in digestion, absorption of nutrients and bodily waste elimination through urination and bowel movements. Health experts recommend as a general rule of thumb to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day. If you're exercising or losing bodily fluids more rapidly you'll need to drink more, but the "8 x 8" rule is a good to gauge follow.
Drinking water helps prevent chronic constipation, which can play a big role in developing piles. Straining when passing bowel movements can lead to blood swollen veins around the anal region. When a person's body is not properly hydrated from drinking enough water constipation can happen that causes painful piles to develop internally or externally.
Dehydration is significant contributor to hemorrhoids. Drinking plenty of water can greatly reduce the risk of getting this condition that effects millions of people yearly. It can be caused by digestive problems due to poor body hydration. You would be amazed at how many cases could be prevented using the "8x8" rule.
Chronic diarrhea is another major cause of piles forming. Diarrhea's spastic motion adds a tremendous amount of unhealthy pressure to the anus that can cause straining like with constipation. Strong spastic pressure on the anus that can also cause anal fissures besides inflamed anal veins.
When people do develop hemorrhoids their doctors always tell them to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins while keeping their digestive system healthy to prevent a future outbreak.
If you don't like the taste of tap water or want to live eco-friendly avoiding bottled water invest in an affordable water purifier for the kitchen faucet.
As a former hemorrhoid sufferer who went through laser surgery in Los Angeles I make sure I drink plenty of water daily. Hydrate to beat them!
Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Hemorrhoids
By no means am I telling people not to drink. I enjoy one glass of red wine with dinner most nights. My doctor told me it was good for my heart in moderation. If I'm at a dinner party it's not uncommon for me to have two or three glasses of red wine while enjoying good company.
When I go fishing or camping with family and friends I enjoy more than a few bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. As I've got older in life I've learned my drinking limits and no when to not push it to excessive alcohol consumption.
Where excessive alcohol consumption and hemorrhoids becomes a dangerous mix is when it comes to heavy or binge drinking. College was my first experience with excessive alcohol consumption and piles. I wasn't drinking enough water or eating right. My sophomore year I developed a very small external hemorrhoid.
It still hurt like an itchy fiery bee sting and I was embarrassed to tell my friends. My parents took me to a doctor who prescribed me a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to treat it and eliminate it. The growth was very small and was caught early, so it could be treated without surgery or banding. There are other many excellent hemorrhoidal products you can buy online for hemorrhoid relief and treatment.
Alcohol dehydrates the body badly and robs it of precious vitamins. Most people when they drink alcohol skip drinking water in between alcoholic beverages and don't take a vitamin for a day or night of drinking.
Heavy drinkers have a higher risk of getting this rectal condition because of alcohol dehydration and lack of vitamins in their bodies. It's recommended to take a multivitamin 4 hours before drinking alcohol. When you drink alcohol make sure to take your vitamins.
Drinking too much alcohol can cause severe constipation and small, dry stools that are tough to pass during bowel movements. The strain and pressure to pass a bowel movement makes the veins in and around the anus inflamed. This is a major factor to internal and external piles developing.
People that consume alcohol excessively will commonly experience digestive and bowel movement problems. This is because alcohol in any common form (beer, wine, whiskey etc.) acts as a diuretic that will dehydrate the alcohol drinker.
A person who is dehydrated normally experiences constipation and is forced to severely strain when passing bowel movements. Binge drinking can also lead to highly elevated blood pressure, which in turn increases the pressure to delicate veins in and around the anus.
The important thing is to drink water even when you're drinking alcohol to stay well hydrated. Dehydration, constipation and diarrhea contribute heavily to hemorrhoid risk or can make a current hemorrhoid condition worse. Water is your friend when it comes to hemorrhoids. Excessive alcohol consumption and hemorrhoids are two things to avoid if you can.