Natural Remedy for Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition defined as the inflammation of the bronchi which results in persistent cough that produces considerable quantities of sputum. A respiratory infection such as a cold is the initial stage of the development of bronchitis. Bronchitis usually disappears within a few days without lasting effects in most people, however the coughs due to bronchitis can continue for up to three weeks or more.
Viruses such as coronarvirus, adenovirus, or a rhinovirus, that attack the lining of the bronchial tree is one of the major causes of bronchitis. Swelling occurs and more mucus is produced when the body tries to fight back the infection causing virus. Bacteria and fungus are considered to be one of the other causes of bronchitis, but newer research shows that bacterial and fungal infection are much less common in bronchitis.
Aromatherapy is one of the widely used bronchitis natural remedy which involve inhaling the eucalyptus oil that provides some relief from the inflamed lungs. Cayenne pepper is one of the other best bronchitis natural remedies which helps break up the congestion and help you get quicker relief. One of the other natural remedies for bronchitis is a tea prepared by mixing both garlic and ginger which when taken for three to four times a day helps cure the symptoms effectively.
A tea made from an herb called creosote bush is one of the natural remedy for bronchitis widely used to cure bronchitis and other respiratory problems. A tea prepared from an herb called pleurisy root is widely used for phlegm removal. An herb called coltsfoot is also considered as natural treatment for bronchitis that has expectorant properties stimulates the microscopic hairs that move mucus out of the airways and suppresses production of a protein that triggers spasms in the bronchus.
One of the other natural treatment for bronchitis that help soothe the throat and stop the muscle spasms that trigger coughs is a herb called mullien having expectorant properties. Massaging the chest and back with a vegetable oil or massage oil is one of the other best bronchitis natural treatment that helps break up congestion in the lungs. Taking more supplements of vitamins A and C are best remedies that helps heal the inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
Natural Remedy for Bronchitis