30 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

A surprising and alarming number of Americans have high blood pressure, over 50 million, and the scariest part is around 30% do not know they even have it. It is sometimes called "the silent killer," due to the fact that it usually does not give any early warning signs. Hypertension, another word for it, is one of the major risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke. Also all stages of hypertension are associated with an increased risk of nonfatal and fatal cerebrovascular disease and renal disease. Whether your blood pressure is high, low, or normal depends mainly on several factors, the output from your heart, the resistance to blood flow by your blood vessels, the volume of your blood, and blood distribution to the various organs.
No one should be foolish to think they have never experienced high blood pressure, because everyone experiences hourly and even moment by moment changes. Frustration, anger, strong emotions, consuming too much salty food that day, are prime examples of reasons why your blood pressure will temporarily rise. Though these elevations occur everyday it is usually not enough to cause a disease or abnormality. People with hypertension or even people trying to prevent hypertension should try to change their lifestyle and watch what they eat first. If changes in your lifestyle and diet do not succeed, the next step are drugs.
The following list of foods have been proven to lower and prevent high blood pressure:
1. Tomatoes
2. Potatoes
3. Carrots
4. Broccoli
5. Collard Greens
6. Green Beans
7. Artichokes
8. Spinach
9. Whole Wheat Bread
10. Muffin
11. Grits
12. Bananas
13. Oranges
14. Raisins
15. Orange Juice
16. Melons
17. Mangoes
18. Peaches
19. Pineapples
20. Raisins
21. Strawberries
22. Fat-Free or Low Fat Milk
23. Fat-Free or Low Fat Yogurt
24. Lean Meat, Fish, Poultry: Broil, Roast, or Boil, Do Not Fry
25. Almonds
26. Mixed Nuts
27. Peanuts
28. Kidney Beans
29. Sunflower seeds
30. Walnuts
It is important not only to change your diet, but it is also important to modify your lifestyle to increase the chances of lowering your blood pressure. Take a look at some great tips on modifying your lifestyle. These lifestyle changes offer many more benefits and cost a lot cheaper with minimal risk than medical drugs.
30 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure