Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Do you wake up at night, with numbing fingers and hands? Do have pain shooting up the arms with a cramping sensation? If this is the case, you are exhibiting carpal tunnel symptoms.
Carpal tunnel symptoms appear differently in each person. Some might experience the pain at night sleeping while other experience pain when working with their hands. Not only people that work with computers or typing can acquire this condition but also, people that do a lot of dexterity work with their hands are at high risk for this condition.
The carpal tunnel itself is a small passageway from the arm to the bottom of the wrist. The nerve and tendons within the passage cause the hand to flex and bend. Nerves and tendons within the passage become compressed causing motor skills to weaken, and pain to the fingers and hand.
Carpal tunnel symptoms other than numbing finger and hands, could be cramping up the arm, pain in fingers or arm, a feeling of swollenness in the hand or fingers, a person's grip weakens, and sense of warm or coldness can go away.
Middle aged men are likely to get the condition, however women are 3 times more likely to develop this condition. Women going through menopause can have a high risk of getting carpal tunnel.
Heredity could be another cause of getting this type of condition. If close family member such as mom, dad, and grandparents had or have the condition, the chances are likely next generation will have the same condition.
Certain health conditions can cause carpal tunnel symptoms. Thyroid disorders, diabetes, obesity and some types of arthritis will increase risk for this condition. People who smoke will have a higher risk factor with this condition than people who do not smoke. People who smoke will take a longer time to heal than non-smokers would take to heal.
With this condition, a person can apply heat to the wrist to help with pain, cool packs for swelling. Keep the arm, hand, and wrist immobile. A wrist splint can help this condition. A person would be able to still use the arm and hand with some mobility of the wrist. The splint will help keep the wrist straight, also helping the passage to open.
A person that has carpal tunnel symptoms should first check with a doctor to make sure a person has this condition. Other diseases and conditions can cause a person to have these types of symptoms. Once a person checks with their doctor and is diagnosed with the condition, the doctor and person can talk over the different therapies to use.
Carpal tunnel is a condition a person can live with and continue working. In some cases, a person might have to seek other employment, as this is only in certain cases. Taking care of a person's hands and wrist is important. Always give your hands and wrist a break.