Top Natural Cure for Vitiligo: 5 Natural Remedies

Vitiligo is characterized by the appearance of small or large white spots all over the body, as a result of generalized abnormality of the immune system. Although there is no traditional treatment for vitiligo at the moment, there are ways to halt the progress of this skin disorder. Natural cure for vitiligo can be implemented in order to treat the condition and remove white spots. There are several companies that have come up with naturally created products for curing this condition. However, only home remedies and natural remedies work efficiently.
There are plenty of natural cures for vitiligo that has been tried and tested over the years. Some of the rare and beneficial natural cures are noted below:
Psoralen is an Excellent Cure
Have you heard of Psoralen. It is found in natural foods and flowers. Celery is one of the most beneficial veggies that contain generous amounts of psoralen. You can include celery in your diet to supply the body with this natural skin healing ingredient. Psoralen helps in increasing the natural reaction of skin to sunlight.
Psoralen is also found in psoralen corylifolia flower seeds, which helps in sensitizing human skin to skin tanning when exposed to sunlight.
You can choose from different methods of administering psoralen to your skin - oral therapy with psoralen is a terrific option; you can also apply oil of psoralen directly on to the targeted area of your skin.
Choose Ayurvedic Medications
Ayurveda is one of the ancient forms of Indian medicine that uses a combination of natural herbs and remedies to cure vitiligo. In traditional Ayurvedic approach to cure vitiligo, the main target is your digestive tract. It is an alternative treatment for vitiligo in which proper diet will be recommended by experts with certain restrictions (salt is eliminated from diet completely). With this approach, it is possible to remove all toxins or "ama" from the body, and purify the body with heat therapy, oils and purgation. Blood will be removed from the body through a procedure known as venipuncture. Organic herbs and leeches are often used o the affected parts of the skin, as a part of the treatment, Ayurvedic approach is quite different, but it is highly recommended.
Gingko Biloba
Gingko Biloba is a herb, which is highly effective in curing vitiligo. It has shown notable re-pigmentation of skin.
Picrorhiza is an Indian herb that has been used for treating different types of skin conditions, including vitiligo. It cures the condition by inducing re-pigmentation of skin. This herb is widely used, both naturally as well as in the form of herbal medications.
St. John Wort
St. John Wort is a commonly used herb that offers skin benefits. It is the safest and most effective natural cure for vitiligo. The herb can be used by boiling its flowers and leaves and filtering its raw parts from its juice extract. The juice should be drunk thrice daily, after meals. The herb can also be applied onto the affected areas of your skin.
Lemna Minor
Lemna minor or wild duckweed is an excellent home remedy for vitiligo. It works by reactivating melanocytes, which promoted re-pigmentation of the skin. Grind lemna minor, add honey to it, and drink one teaspoon twice daily.
Top Natural Cure for Vitiligo: 5 Natural Remedies