Much can be done at home for a sinusitis sufferer. Although you may
not be able to eliminate sinus infection, you can certainly help open
the sinuses, alleviate their dryness and provide some comfort.
as much as you can. If lying down makes your sinuses feel more
congested, lie on your side, whichever one allows you to breathe better,
or prop yourself up with a pillow.
Drink plenty of water to thin
the mucous and promote drainage. Sip hot tea, or even better, herbal tea
or lemon and honey dissolved in hot water. Limit caffeine laden drinks
like coffee and cola; they are diuretics and cause further dehydration.
Apply a warm, moist washcloth to your face several times a day.
steam 2 to 4 times a day. Either pour boiling water into a bowl or use a
steam vaporizer by covering your head with a towel to prevent steam
from escaping, and inhale the steam for ten minutes. Add Vicks Vapo-Rub
or any other mentholated preparation, licorice, ginger or eucalyptus.
Inhaling steam from a hot cup of water, taking a hot, steamy shower or
just sitting in the bathroom with the shower running have a similar
Spray with nasal saline (available from drug stores) several times a day.
nasal irrigation daily to flush out allergens, irritants, bacteria and
viruses from the sinuses and nasal passages before they cause an
allergic reaction in the body and before bacteria multiply and overwhelm
the immune system. If anyone in your family or at work has a cold, use
nasal irrigation as a preventive measure.
Thin the mucous by using
expectorants to help expel mucous from the lungs and respiratory
passages. The most common is guaifenesin found in Robitussin.
Over-the-counter (OTC) liquid cough medicine usually combine
decongestants and cough suppressants. Ask the pharmacist for advice.
Nasal decongestants only offer temporary relief. After 3 to 5 days the condition can actually worsen so be wary of them.
Sudden changes in temperature and bending forward with your head down aggravates sinus pain or pressure.
Avoid alcohol because it worsens swelling in the sinuses.
Homeopathic remedies for sinus infection
Homeopathy offers alternative remedies for sinusitis. They differ depending on which sinus is affected:
In normal doses arsenic is a poison, but in extreme dilutions treats sinusitis characterized by:
- throbbing and burning pain
- pain aggravated by light, noise and movement
- pain triggered by exertion and anxiety
- pain followed by nausea and vomiting.
Potassium Bichromate
Use for sinusitis with these symptoms:
Use for sinusitis with these symptoms:
- thick and stringy nasal discharge
- extreme pain at the root of the nose
- pain relieved by applying pressure on the area of the pain
- pain extends to soreness in the bones and scalp
- the pain may lead to dim vision
- dizziness and nausea when standing up
- the sufferer prefers lying down in a dark room and feels better when warm, drinking warm drinks or overeating.
Use for sinusitis characterized by:
Use for sinusitis characterized by:
- head pain worsened by lying down or a warm room
- triggered by warm temperatures
- relief walking slowly in cool open air or by wrapping their head tightly with a towel or bandage
- worsens when bending down, sitting, rising up from bed or eating
- most of the pain stems from the front of the head
- stomach problems
- nasal discharge thick and yellow or green.