Why take Vitamin D? The Bodies of Summer

We all hear about how good the sun is for us, how people are often happier in the summer, due to longer days, and more time to soak up vitamin  D. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to higher risk of depression, osteoporosis, higher risk of breast cancer, even Parkinson's and heart disease. We notice that colds and flus are worse in the winter, when there is less sunlight for us to bask in; it's called flu season for a reason! Many of us agree there is nothing like turning your face up to a bright sunny morning- but what do vitamin D tablets really do? Does the "sunshine vitamin" affect more than just our mood?
New research is saying yes. According to research presented at the San Antonio Cancer Symposium, studies have discovered that high levels of vitamin D can be linked to smaller tumor sizes in breast cancer patients. "Lower vitamin D levels were correlated with much bigger tumors" said Dr. Barbara Brouwers of Belgium. Patients who were clearly vitamin D deficient had a stronger risk of relapse within three years. She also stated that vitamin D levels are important in many chronic illnesses, and some studies have shown these low levels of vitamin D to be a predictor of both breast cancer risk, and the disease's eventual outcome.

But what does the "Sunshine Vitamin" do for the Average Woman?
In London, a coroner has suggested that all pregnant and breastfeeding women should be prescribed vitamin D after a three month old boy died from a viral infection. The coroner stated that the progression of the virus was aided by his vitamin D deficiency. He believes that all of us, especially women, should be more aware of the dangers of vitamin D deficiency.
According to the Vitamin D Society, around 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in this important vitamin. Although sunny climates provide this much-needed vitamin, those of who don't live in the tropics need to find another way to get our daily dose of "sunshine." Few foods contain large amounts of vitamin D, but it can be found in cod liver oil, fatty fish such as salmon, butter, eggs, and liver. However, health-conscious people buy Vitamin D tablets to add to their daily vitamins; to be sure they are receiving their daily intake. Osteoporosis Canada suggests the average person take in about 1000 IU per day, whereas a breastfeeding woman should take in 
about 60 IU per day, as taking too much may negatively affect her breast milk. As the coroner suggested, pregnant and nursing women should be prescribed vitamin D, particularly those with dark skin, as their bodies have a harder time producing this important vitamin. The rest of us should remember to take our daily vitamins, and enjoy the sunshine!

Why take Vitamin D? The Bodies of Summer by TIFFANY S