Familiarizing with PTSD Symptoms

PSTD symptoms can be seen in any person who have faced or witnessed any of the traumatic events in his life irrespective of his age and mental condition.
Before discussing PTSD symptoms one must be familiar with PTSD at the initial stage. PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) is a kind of disorder occurred in a person who had come across a terrifying or traumatic incident which had caused or threatened to cause him any type of physical harm. Helplessness, horror or intense fear, caused due to witnessing or experiencing any physical or sexual attack, an accident, natural havoc, unexpected death of a loved one or war, can be the permanent PSTD symptoms in ones life. Families of rescue workers or emergency personnel also experience PSTD symptoms severally as they have many chances to experience such complications.
Anger, shock, guilt, fear and nervousness are the usual effects experienced by most of the people who have come across certain traumatic incident but most of these effects go away with the passage of time. But in case of several people these feelings of PSTD prevail increasingly throughout their life in such a manner that they can not live a normal life. People suffering with PSTD problem can not experience PSTD symptoms before a month after the traumatic event but they start to develop just after the occurrence of the event.
PSTD symptoms
Normally it takes about three months to reveal PSTD symptoms after the event to be visible in the patient. It may take upto one year in some cases. The recovery form this disorder depends on the individuals as some can recover within six months and others can take longer period to come out of this situation.
PSTD symptoms have been classified into three categories.
Re-living PSTD symptoms cause recurrence of disorders to re-live the event through his memories and thoughts. Recurrence of PSTD symptoms can be caused by nightmares, flashbacks or hallucination of the event.
Avoiding PSTD symptom is experienced in the patients who try to avoid places, persons, situations or thoughts that can recall him about the traumatic event. Thus he starts detaching from his family and friends and starts liking isolation.
PSTD symptoms of increased arousal cause abrupt increase in emotions such as showing concern for others, showing extra affection, irritative nature, showing anger abruptly, concentration difficulty and easily gets aroused. Increased heart rate or blood pressure, muscle tension, rapid breathing, diarrhea and nausea are also experienced as physical PSTD symptoms in such cases.
PSTD symptoms, in this way, are possible with any person who is directly effected by any incident or not as the incident can effect him mentally also instead of physically.
Read more details about PTSD Symptoms and PTSD Symptoms.

Familiarizing with PTSD Symptoms by ZANE BERNAYS