Cancer and Alternative Therapy

Onset of cancer and its treatment is a painful journey for patient and care takers. Person loses his morale with the thought of the disease and treatment itself has many side effects. Hair fall, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fatigue, reduced sleep etc are signs and symptoms in cancer treatment. Alternate therapies such as Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Tai-Chi, Yoga etc. can help in relieving the symptoms. These treatments are not substitute for medical care, but can be combined with the ongoing treatment.
Recent study published in medical journal of Academy of Neurology suggests, patients with Brain tumor experienced positive change after the use of nutritional supplements, homeopathic medicine. Studies are going on to know the effect of alternative therapy in cancer treatment.
Mayo clinic has suggested following alternative therapies as per the signs and symptoms of treatment -
* Anxiety - Hypnosis, massage, meditation, relaxation techniques * Fatigue - Exorcise, massage, relaxation technique, yoga * Nausea & vomiting - Acupuncture, aromatherapy, hypnosis, music therapy * Sleep problems - Exercise, Yoga, Tai-chi, relaxation techniques * Stress - Aroma therapy, hypnosis, massage, meditation, tai-chi, yoga Acupuncture - Acupuncture is useful in reducing nausea which is experienced during chemo therapy. Needles are used for precise pricks on different points. It is not recommended in low blood count or during blood thinning medications. Aromatherapy helps in reducing stress, nausea, pain etc. Oils like lavender, rosemary can be applied on target area or added in water to take bath. One must be cautious to avoid skin allergies with the oil, otherwise it is safe to use. Meditation - Meditation is deep concentration; focusing on one idea or sound. It can be practiced once or twice a day. One can take
help of instructor to learn meditation. It helps in relieving anxiety, stress and pain. Relaxation techniques help in relieving muscle tension. Tai chi involves deep breathing and slow muscle movements. It can be learned or adapted with the help of book or video. Music therapy is another alternative therapy that helps in controlling sign such as disturbed sleep, anxiety, loneliness etc. Nutritional Diet - Supplementing diet with different nutrients is very important part of therapy to manage the symptoms. In initial stage of the diseases if diagnosed vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Selenium reduce the progression of the disease. Photochemical found in turmeric known as Curcumin reduces spread of the disease. Homeopathy - Homeopathy is an ancient medical stream which has beneficial treatment for sign and symptoms. Medicines such as candium sulph, arsenicam, hydrastis, phosphorus, carcinosin, lycopodium etc are used as alternate therapy for cancer.
Alternate Therapy - Alternate therapy can be complementary with the treatment of cancer. One can take the benefits to manage the symptoms and have better journey. Consulting with your doctor before going for any treatment is very important.
For more information on diet, nutrition, health, weight loss or fitness contact DesiDieter Health and Diet Experts.

Cancer and Alternative Therapy by