Be Careful on Kids Health When Buying Toys for Them

Parents often buy kids toys such as bus model, stuffed animals, RC cars and so on for their children as best gifts because they always think that toys are children best and closest partners. That's right. However, as parents, do you know that there are some dangerous factors hidden in kids toys, if not pay more attention on this issue, poor quality kids toys will lead to unintentional injury and threaten children's health.
Stuffed animals Soft stuffed animals such as stuffed dogs, stuffed bears and so on are almost all girls' preferred toys, however, do you know that playing with stuffed animals for long time is easy to suffer from asthma. According to doctor for children hospital, more and more children suffer from respiratory diseases because of playing stuffed animals for a long time. Plush toy is unexpected allergens so that children with allergic condition can easily lead to allergic diseases, however, it is often neglected. Nowadays, 90 percent of stuffed animals in children hands have moderate or severe contamination of germs. Compared to plastic toys, it is difficult to clean and disinfect stuffed animals so that it is easy to infect bacteria again.
Toys with painting Nowadays, many kids toys such as metal toys and building blocks with more colors paint are basically to be used in painting. What's more, even colorful air balloon, books and picture albums are painted with pigment. For a long time, it is easy to result in lead poisoning. When children embrace toys when sleeping, or kiss toys, lead poisoning would be happened. By the way, the small accessories such as eyes and noses on stuffed animal and doll's body are also poisonous.
Toys with too loud noise With the large number of new toys appear in the toys market, there are more and more toys with sounds. As parents, it is harmful to children's hearing function. According to research, children are more sensitive to sound than adults. When the toys' sound is more than 120 decibel, it is easy to damage children hearing function if playing for long time. Bad symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, emotional stress, memory loss and other would appear. Therefore infant and young children need a quiet environment during the growth phase if you want to
them grow healthy. If they are stimulated by too loud noise for a long time, it is easy to lead to agitation, lack of tolerance, lack of sleep, lack of concentration and other bad symptoms, all of which are not beneficial.
Copyright by Tony Steve. Ezbustoys online store which is one professional Bus Toy dealer provides many Bus Toy including Toys School Bus , toy double decker bus, Toy London Bus, etc for kids and even bus model fans.

Be Careful on Kids Health When Buying Toys for Them by