12 Effective Herbal Remedies For Loss Of Appetite

Loss of appetite refers to the lack of interest in eating foods. We all have suffered from loss of appetite sometime or the other. Persistent appetite loss or under eating may lead to weight loss and impoverishment. The medical term for loss of appetite is anorexia. We often don’t feel like eating due to a number of factors. Here are the common causes of loss of appetite:
1. Illnesses like lung problems, arthritis, fever, common cold, hepatitis, hypothyroidism, periodontal diseases, liver disease, kidney failure, congestive heart failure, HIV and cancer (of pancreas, stomach, colon or ovary) 2. Medications like antibiotics, diuretics, pain-killers, heart medications and chemotherapy drugs. 3. Overall malnutrition 4. Loneliness, depression and dementia 5. Aging 6. Pregnancy (First trimester) 7. Drug addiction 8. Alcoholism
Herbal remedies for loss of appetite:
1. Drink a cup of peppermint tea everyday before the main meals. This is a great appetite boosting herbal remedy.
2. Add to your eatables a dash of cinnamon. This also boosts appetite.
3. Astragalus is a miracle herb that can increase weakened appetite.
4. Dandelion if taken before meals can stimulate your appetite. Other appetite boosting herbs of the same category are yarrow and hyssop.
5. Make herbal drink by mingling the juices of fennel, fenugreek, chamomile and lemon balm and drink daily prior to meals. This is an effective herbal remedy for loss of appetite.
6. Make gruel out of the bark of slippery elm. Mix one-forth cup
powdered slippery elm bark with half teaspoon cinnamon powder. Add 1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey, add 2 cups of water. Stir and keep the solution aside for half an hour. Later heat the solution on low flame for about 5 minutes. Allow cooling prior to intake. Intake of this gruel greatly stimulates appetite.
7. Suck a slice of lime sprinkled with ginger powder prior to meals. You will definitely feel the urge to eat.
8. Take a bowl of garlic soup daily to improve appetite.
9. Licking of 5 grams of grated ginger with little bit of black salt promotes a healthy appetite.
10. Consume boiled papaya leaves daily. It is a great solution to appetite loss problem.
11. Add a pinch of rock salt to 30 ml of coriander juice and drink everyday. This is a good herbal cure for loss of appetite.
12. Include plenty of grapes in daily diet. This treats loss of appetite effectively.
So these are some popular herbal remedies for loss of appetite.
Loss Of Appetite